The big four face rising credit losses but they will be able to absorb the shock,says S&P.

The big four face rising credit losses but they will be able to absorb the shock,says S&P.Credit:Ryan Stuart

It came as analysts emphasised that Australia's banks were in a vastly different position to where they were during the global financial crisis,and the challenge ahead would be driven by bad debts rather than the plumbing of the international financial system.

Government support for the economy,whichsome think could include a scheme to encourage banks to provide cheap loans to keep businesses afloat during the crisis,is also expected to limit the damage for banks.


Banks have in recent years seen unusually low rates of customers defaulting,but S&P said it thought these would almost double,to about 0.3 per cent of gross loans and advances. It said that would still be low compared with banks overseas.

Business customers,especially those in hard-hit sectors such as tourism,are expected to drive the increase in bad debts,with mortgage arrears dependent on the unemployment rate.

"We expect that business loans will contribute to most of the initial increase in credit losses for the Australian banks,with the travel,hospitality,retail-services and transport-related sectors likely to be among the more severely hit,"S&P said.

It said there could be"second-order"effects on the banks through rising job losses and unemployment but maintained economic growth would rebound once the crisis had passed.


Fitch Ratings on Tuesday also said it thought the country's key financial regulators would continue to provide"any necessary support"to the banking and financial system.

The Reserve Bank is expected to announce an interest rate cut and further"unconventional"measures on Thursday,with the federal government also working on further support. Banking sources suggested one option could be a scheme in which the government effectively guarantees loans to small businesses to pay wages,rent and other operating costs during the crisis.

After a collapse in bank shares in recent weeks,Credit Suisse analysts also said lenders could be forced to raise capital if the coronavirus shutdown is a protracted crisis,to help cover the need for $8.5 billion in equity capital.

The analyst report said that,unlike during the global financial crisis,the current concern was credit quality,rather than the plumbing of the financial system.


Even so,it estimated the risk ratings on about 10 per cent of banks'loan portfolios could be downgraded,which would require extra capital be held against these loans.

"The longer the crisis continues,the more capital intensive bank balance sheets become in our view and may require additional raisings and/or dividend cuts,"Credit Suisse said.

"The reality is that the major banks are likely to come out of this stronger from a reputational perspective but shareholders are likely to pay for it in the short-term."

The research also estimated Australian consumers and businesses have about $570 billion in approved but un-drawn loans that they could draw down in the looming slowdown.

JP Morgan analyst Andrew Triggs highlighted"stark"differences between now and the GFC,as the banks are more strongly capitalised and less reliant on wholesale debt funding.

Mr Triggs said in a note"the downside for banks is dependent on the length of the downturn and how meaningfully it feeds into the unemployment rate."

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