Cherrybrook Travel employees Elizabeth Ellis,Caroline Daley and Judy Mahony in the office in Westleigh Village.

Cherrybrook Travel employees Elizabeth Ellis,Caroline Daley and Judy Mahony in the office in Westleigh Village.Credit:Kate Geraghty

Small businesses that employ people will be provided with up to $100,000 with a minimum payment of $20,000.

The government has also created a coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme to help businesses gain access to the working capital they need and will guarantee 50 per cent of new loans issued by approved lenders.

Small business ombudsman Kate Carnell said sole traders and small business owners who met the requirements could access Newstart without having to seek a job,get payments from the government and continue to run a business.

She said sole traders and independent contractors could still pick up contracts and gigs without jeopardising these payments as long as they,or their partners,were not bringing in over $1000 a fortnight.


"It’s not huge but it’s really about holding together life and limb at the moment,"she said.

Ms Carnell said the package gave small and family businesses some breathing space until circumstances return to normal,which will play a critical role in their survival and the ability for our economy to bounce back.


"The changes to bankruptcy and insolvency requirements are really important here as a large percentage of small businesses are going to be probably technically trading insolvent,"she said.

Sole trader Candice Epthorp is a Sydney event photographer and producer but said when coronavirus hit she had job after job cancel.

"I’ve been pretty down about it,"she said."All I can do right now is keep hustling trying to get some work and offer super reduced rates."

Ms Epthorp said it was good the government had recognised sole traders who made up a huge percentage of the workforce.

However,she said the provision to access superannuation would be of limited assistance.

"As a sole trader I haven't paid myself any super for the last ten years,"she said."I didn't have much in there and I probably have lost a lot of it anyway as it is all in the sharemarket. It's taking money from money that is disappearing."

Elizabeth Ellis,travel agent at Cherrybrook Travel,said her income had entirely dried up.

"We will definitely look at the small business grant as well and what it is for sole traders and maybe accessing New Start is something we can do,” she said. “We are travel agents we don’t have a hell of lot of superannuation,that all goes into running the business.”

Cherrybrook Travel,which had a turnover of around $2 million last year,was refused an overdraft by its bank last week because it operates as a sole trader and the bank claimed its could only assist small businesses.


"We are in a bad position for six months but everyone is,we have regular clients and high-value clients we just need help to survive six months and this is what the bank does,"Ms Ellis said."I’ve never accessed a cent of government assistance I have no idea how to start doing it."

Troy Kelly,co-owner of product agency Aperim Studio said he was disappointed in the government response and there was confusion around it.

"We don't think there is support for independent contractors and companies like ours which stand up teams of contractors,"he said.

"We want to keep working through this but we have no confidence that we will be through it in three to six months. There is so much uncertainty and a lack of clear messaging from the government is exacerbating that."

Update:This article was updated on 23 March to clarify that the income of any partner of a sole trader or contractor is considered in the government's income assessment.

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