SCEGGS Darlinghurst head Jenny Allum says the novelty of learning online at home is wearing off for students.

SCEGGS Darlinghurst head Jenny Allum says the novelty of learning online at home is wearing off for students.Credit:Tomasz Machnik

In the months ahead,distractions would become more difficult to resist,teachers would find it more difficult to engage students,and students would feel more disconnected from their school,she said. Remote learning would also advantage students who were diligent and self-motivated,but disadvantage those who struggled.


"When we are all through the pandemic,I think we will return to classes as usual,"she said."Nothing about what we are currently doing is as good as what we were doing a few weeks ago."

Principals from the private and public systems agreed.

Craig Petersen,the acting head of the Secondary Principals Council,which represents principals in the public system,said in the final weeks of term one,students and teachers were reinforcing online the concepts they had already learned face-to-face.


The big challenge would come in term two,when students - who have vastly different levels of access to technology and at-home support - would be asked to grasp new concepts.

"Class discussions are really valuable[during that process],the teacher can see who is really getting it,and who is really struggling,"he said."It's much harder to do that in an online environment,even if you use video platforms."

Even at well-regarded online selective school,Aurora College,in which students stay at their school but do some classes online,there is a"significant attrition rate"from students who find the process isolating,he said.

Teaching would become more complex as teachers not only had to factor in students'different progress,but also their different resources and different levels of support at home."It will be enormously complex,"Mr Petersen said.

Timothy Wright,the former principal of Shore,said even students at private schools that could offer sophisticated online learning systems would suffer from the lack of physical interaction with their teacher.

"Good teachers will do a good job on online learning,and we are fortunate we do have tools that will allow face to face interaction,"he said."But education is a profoundly relational thing. That's the challenge.


"We are in a stopgap situation,lots of schools are doing the best they can,but we have to recognise that there is a huge range within the home environments of students,even just the quality of internet connection."

But Greg Whitby,the Executive Director of Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta,said the crisis presented an opportunity to fundamentally change the nature of teaching by supporting student independence and giving them control over their own learning.

"Every industry has reshaped itself in the last decade,and the laggard has been schooling,"he said."We've had really in one sense no pressing necessarily to do it.

"What we have to do is to encourage[students],and work through with them,to gradually move them to that autonomy where they make a lot of their decisions for their own learning,"he said."Why don't we seize this opportunity?"

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