Treasurer Josh Frydenberg acknowledged the help for customers could only go so far when the economy needed strong banks.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg acknowledged the help for customers could only go so far when the economy needed strong banks.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

"We'll work very closely with the banks to ensure that they stretch when it comes to providing payment relief for small and medium-sized businesses as well as households,"Mr Frydenberg said in an exclusive interview withThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age.


The Treasurer has been in talks with bank chiefs over many weeks to authorise programs to defer repayments but the discussions have had to consider whether the prudential regulator should treat the loans as impaired.

"That's welcome and co-ordinated action,"he said."There's an alignment of interests – the banks want their customers at the end of the coronavirus crisis and customers want to continue with their business or with their repayments on their mortgage.

"It's about the two parties having those discussions and reaching agreements about what can be done."

Asked if ANZ was prepared to act as a"shock absorber"for the economy,Mr Elliott replied:"Yes,we are prepared,that's our role actually,and that's what capital is for. That's what all the provisions and all the various things that we have on our balance sheet are for."


He warned the pandemic was likely to have a"material"impact on house prices because of rising unemployment.

"I’m not going to give you a price prediction,but you’d have to think it was material,"he said."It’s not going to be 2 or 3 per cent,it’s got to be a material[effect]."

While Mr Frydenberg praised the banks for offering the emergency deferrals,the industry is cautious about its capacity to offer further help if it takes more than six months for the crisis to pass.

"We don't want a health crisis to morph into a banking crisis anywhere down the track,"Australian Bankers'Association chief Anna Bligh said."Right now,banks are confident there's no risk of that,but they'll take each step with an appropriate degree of caution and consultation with the regulators."

Commonwealth Bank is processing 50,000 requests for mortgage repayment deferrals,of which about a quarter are from property investors,while ANZ has had 50,000 requests and Westpac has had 100,000 enquiries. NAB said more than 200,000 customers had sought assistance or advice while more than 28,000 customers had lodged requests for home loan deferrals.

While customers can suspend repayments for six months,the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority requires banks to go back to customers after three months to see if the help is still required.

Under normal conditions,it would require a bank to treat a home loan as impaired if repayments were overdue for more than 90 days,making it clear there would be barriers to extending the scheme beyond six months.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday warned the crisis would be long lasting,saying:"Patience must become the virtue of Australians over the next six months,at the very least."

Mr Frydenberg acknowledged the help for customers could only go so far when the economy needed strong banks.

"Our banks are well capitalised compared to the rest of the world but you need a healthy banking sector. It's about getting the balance right,"he said."When it comes to what the banks can withstand in terms of write-offs,waivers and deferments,we are talking regularly with APRA as the prudential regulator who is keeping a very close eye on that."


The crisis measures mean customers can suspend repayments but will find the interest charges added to their mortgages,so the amount owing on the loan will increase.

One bank executive warned against the idea that banks could waive the interest bills,saying:"Any idea the banks are going to profit out of this is just fantasy."

The CBA is making a one-off payment to home loan customers who gain a six-month deferral so it can offset the interest on interest costs during the period. For an average loan of $350,000,that means the bank will make a one-off payment of about $45 into customer accounts.

An ANZ spokesman said the bank had already reduced standard variable home loan rates by 15 basis points,making it the only major bank to do so after the recent Reserve Bank cut in official rates.

"Not paying interest on interest would be worth only a handful of basis points so you could argue we're already doing more,"the spokesman said.

Westpac did not respond to whether it would follow CBA's lead in not charging interest on interest.

"We also work with customers on a case by case basis. We will continue to review our packages to help as many customers as possible,"a Westpac spokesman said.

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