The NSW government is moving to fast-track planning processes to boost construction in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The NSW government is moving to fast-track planning processes to boost construction in response to the COVID-19 crisis.Credit:James Brickwood

NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler said the government's plans to improve building quality,a separate legislative reform,would ensure there would be no"lessening of standards"in the sector while it sought to push through development applications during the COVID-19 crisis.

"I see all of this as terribly complementary,"Mr Chandler said.

He added that a planned tool to identify"risky players"would help detect operators,including companies that close down and reopen as another to avoid debts and other liabilities,who would otherwise exploit the economic climate.

"Anybody who’s been involved in phoenixing is going to get very,very early and intense attention,"he said.

The government is moving to fast track significant developments,rezonings and development applications,and make more ministerial approvals,in a bid to stimulate the economy.

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes.

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes.Credit:Louise Kennerley

Mr Stokes said the government was redirecting resources and fast-tracking the assessment of projects that create jobs and investment.


"Let me be very clear:this process is not about approving projects without merit,"he said.

"This is about identifying the best projects to promote jobs and opportunity in the right places for the people of NSW,through the same stringent safeguards and community consultation that ordinarily apply."

NSW building commissioner David Chandler.

NSW building commissioner David Chandler.Credit:AAP

Urban Taskforce,an industry group representing large property developers,has sent a wish-list of projects it wants the government to fast track approval for.

But Bates Smart architect and government advisor Matt Davis cautioned against a building rush negatively impacting public amenity down the track,saying there was a"level of concern"that the need to stimulate economic growth could come at a cost to good design.

"Developers and governments need to resist being blinded by the current short-term imperative for construction activity and choose to invest in and approve projects that are designed to achieve enduring value,"he said.

City of Sydney councillor and architect Philip Thalis echoed Mr Davis's sentiments,warning that fast tracking projects would save only a matter of weeks or months but leave Sydney stuck with developments for a long time.


"The government needs to be very careful about what they fast track,the last thing we need to be fast tracking are deals for developer mates,"he said.

While broadly supportive of faster planning processes,Labor planning spokesman Adam Searle said he would be concerned if it led to a deterioration in building standards.

"If fast tracking means you don’t adhere to the existing planning controls or you reduce the standards,then you will simply be dooming us to the mistakes of the past. We have to learn the lessons of Mascot and Opal towers,"he said.

Mr Stokes said he was also working with key western Sydney councils to determine how best to direct funding and resources into projects that immediately benefited local communities and laid the groundwork for economic recovery.

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