The NSW Government is moving to fast-track planning processes to boost construction in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The NSW Government is moving to fast-track planning processes to boost construction in response to the COVID-19 crisis.Credit:James Brickwood

With developers lining up to pitch potential projects,NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has also sought to reassure the public that the government's moves to fast track planning processes is not about"approving projects without merit".

NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler said the government's plans to improve building quality,a separate legislative reform,would ensure there would be no"lessening of standards"in the sector while it sought to push through development applications during the COVID-19 crisis.

"I see all of this as terribly complementary,"Mr Chandler said.

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'Great reluctance':More doubts over Twenty20 World Cup

ByAndrew Wu

Victoria's sports minister has cast further doubt on the men's Twenty20 World Cup being staged as planned this year,as Australian cricket officials explore potential scenarios should India not be able to play next summer.

Victoria's sports minister has cast doubt on fans being able to attend matches in the Twenty20 World Cup.

Victoria's sports minister has cast doubt on fans being able to attend matches in the Twenty20 World Cup.Credit:AAP

Though Cricket Australia was able to stage almost its whole international schedule before the pandemic struck,there is uncertainty over the 2020-21 season.

Officials are tight-lipped regarding details of their scenario planning in respect for their staff but an industry source has said at least one state is broadly planning for a disrupted season,a normal season and no season at all.

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Tour de France postponed until end of August

The Tour de France has been postponed to now run from August 29 to September 20,the International Cycling Union (UCI) said on Wednesday.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that no public event would take place in the country until mid-July as part of measures to contain the coronavirus outbreak,which has infected over two million people worldwide.

This year's Tour de France will now begin at the end of August.

This year's Tour de France will now begin at the end of August.Credit:Reuters

The Tour was due to be held from June 27 to July 19.

The UCI added that Italy's Giro and Spain's Vuelta would follow the Tour in a revised calendar and the men's road race at the world championships in Martigny,Switzerland,would go ahead as scheduled on Sept 27.

"The Tour de France is postponed and will take place this year from 29 August to 20 September,"the UCI said in a statement.

"Holding this event in the best conditions possible is judged essential given its central place in cycling's economy and its exposure,in particular for the teams that benefit on this occasion from unparalleled visibility."

"It's a great joy,we were starting to get desperate,"France's Julian Alaphilippe,who wore the yellow jersey on last year's race,told theFrance 2 TV channel.

Priority has been given to the grand tours and the top one-day races,the sport's governing body said as it extended the suspension of elite racing until August.

"The Giro d'Italia will take place after the UCI Worlds and will be followed by the Vuelta Ciclista a Espana,"the UCI statement added.

"The most prestigious one-day road races (the Monuments),ie Milano-Sanremo (Italy),the Tour des Flandres (Belgium),Paris-Roubaix (France),Liege-Bastogne-Liege (Belgium) and Il Lombardia (Italy),will all take place this season,at dates still to be defined."

Amazon threatens to halt all activity in France

Amazon threatened Wednesday to suspend all activity in France after a French court found it wasn't doing enough to protect its workers.

The online giant also announced plans to appeal Tuesday's emergency ruling,which requires Amazon to stop selling nonessential goods for a month while it works out new worker safety measures.

Sales of food,medicine and hygiene supplies are still allowed under the ruling. However,Amazon France said in a statement Wednesday that the decision is so disruptive that it could prompt the company to suspend all activity at its six French warehouses.

The company stressed the importance of its services to the"thousands of French companies that sell on Amazon"and"millions of people around the country who want to have access to products they need during the crisis."

Amazon insisted that it is providing adequate security measures for staff,noting the implementation of temperature checks and mask distribution.

But the court found Amazon didn't do enough to enforce social distancing,to ensure that turnstiles and locker rooms were virus-free,or to increase cleaning of its warehouses. Unions say one worker infected with the virus is in intensive care.


Tasmanian Premier lashes health worker critics

Tasmania's Premier Peter Gutwein has lashed keyboard-warrior criticism of health staff in the state's northwest,where a COVID-19 outbreak has shut two hospitals.

Mr Gutwein on Wednesday announced a"testing blitz"in the region and urged anyone with flu or virus symptoms to contact the public health hotline or a GP.

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has called on sick people to seek COVID-19 testing.

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has called on sick people to seek COVID-19 testing.Credit:AAP

He also pledged to get to the bottom of the outbreak,which Australia's chief medical officer had previously linked to a dinner party of medical workers.

Professor Brendan Murphy told a New Zealand parliamentary committee nearly 50 staff attended an"illegal party"at the weekend.

He later walked back his comments after Mr Gutwein said contact tracing had not found evidence of the party.

However,the party claim is being investigated by state police.

Mr Gutwein delivered a blunt message to people criticising hospital staff on Facebook and urged northwest community members to work together.

"Anyone that's thinking about lining up a health care worker,taking a pot shot at them,should just draw breath and accept there is a process underway,"he said on Wednesday.

"We will work through it. We will get to the bottom of it,and then we will explain fully what has happened."

Of Tasmania's 169 coronavirus cases,more than 80 are linked to the outbreak at the North West Regional Hospital and North West Private Hospital in Burnie.

More than 45 health workers have tested positive to the deadly virus,with a spike in cases over the Easter holidays.

Four new cases were confirmed in Tasmania on Wednesday,all in the northwest.

The state's sixth death,a 91-year-old woman at the Mersey Community Hospital at Latrobe in the northwest,was linked to the outbreak.

The state government will begin a"testing blitz"in the region and has brought in additional laboratory technology to boost capacity.

"If you think it's just a sore throat,think about your community,"Health Minister Sarah Courtney said,noting that up to 500 people per day can be tested.

"Make sure if you're experiencing symptoms,call the public health hotline or your GP."

Testing has been offered to staff of the two hospitals,which are both being deep cleaned by specialist teams.

It is hoped the facilities'emergency department will reopen on Thursday.

Medicos from the Australian Defence Force and Australian Medical Assistance Teams,usually reserved for national disaster relief,will help get services back online.

The hospital closures have forced 1200 staff and their families into quarantine,about 5000 people in total.



'They cross in front of the car':Surge in Sydney food couriers raises safety concerns

BySarah Keoghan

Food couriers are concerned about the number of new and inexperienced riders on Sydney's roads,with many cyclists signing up to delivery apps for the first time amid increased unemployment.

Menulog said they have been able to provide an additional 2000 couriers jobs Australia-wide in metro and regional areas over the COVID-19 period.

Menulog said they have been able to provide an additional 2000 couriers jobs Australia-wide in metro and regional areas over the COVID-19 period.Credit:James Brickwood

Menulog said it had been able to provide an additional 2000 couriers jobs nationally over the COVID-19 period,with Deliveroo reporting a 2.5 per cent rise in the number of riders over the past four weeks.

But with more delivery cyclists on the roads,many Sydney couriers are concerned for their own safety.

The 94-year-old woman who recovered from coronavirus

Here is the Nine News report on Maureen Appleby,the 94-year-old Victorian woman who has made a full recovery from coronavirus.

You can see the moment she was wheeled out of the hospital to a standing ovation from Austin Hospital staff.

'Duty of care':Calls for improved mental health screening in quarantine

ByDana McCauley andJenny Noyes

Former Australian of the Year Patrick McGorry has raised concerns about the safety of quarantine hotels for mentally unwell returned travellers,saying care must be taken to ensure they are not at risk of self harm.

Pat McGorry says people quarantined in hotels must have adequate mental health support.

Pat McGorry says people quarantined in hotels must have adequate mental health support.Credit:Kathryn Junor

Professor McGorry,a psychiatrist and youth mental health expert who is among a group advising the federal government on its coronavirus pandemic recovery plan,said those in quarantine should be screened for suicide risk and adequate mental health support provided for those who needed it.

Read the full story here


Lockdowns should be lifted in two-week stages:WHO

Countries that ease restrictions imposed to fight the spread of the coronavirus should wait at least two weeks to evaluate the impact of such changes before easing again,the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Wednesday.

In its latest Strategy Update,the UN agency said that the world stands at a"pivotal juncture"in the pandemic and that"speed,scale,and equity must be our guiding principles"when deciding what measures are necessary.

Every country should implement comprehensive public health measures to maintain a sustainable steady state of low-level or no transmission and prepare its surge capacity to react rapidly to control any spread,the WHO said.

Some of the countries hardest-hit by the virus are now considering lifting lockdowns and beginning the transition toward a resumption of normal life. The WHO update said any such steps should be taken gradually,with time to evaluate their impact before new steps are taken.

"To reduce the risk of new outbreaks,measures should be lifted in a phased,step-wise manner based on an assessment of the epidemiological risks and socioeconomic benefits of lifting restrictions on different workplaces,educational institutions,and social activities...,"the WHO said.

"Ideally there would be a minimum of 2 weeks (corresponding to the incubation period of COVID-19) between each phase of the transition,to allow sufficient time to understand the risk of new outbreaks and to respond appropriately,"it added.

It warned that the"risk of re-introduction and resurgence of the disease will continue".

The Geneva-based global health organisation issued its advice at a time when it has come under criticism from the United States for its initial response to the pandemic. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday Washington,the WHO's biggest donor,would suspend funding.

China has begun lifting some of the toughest restrictions imposed on Hubei province where the disease first emerged at the end of last year. In the United States,which has the largest number of confirmed cases and deaths,Trump has jostled with some state governors over who has the authority to begin reopening U.S. businesses.

European countries have begun small-scale steps to reduce severe lockdowns.

Some Spanish businesses,including construction and manufacturing,have been allowed to resume,although shops,bars and public spaces are to stay closed until at least April 26.

Italy,which has the world's second-highest death toll at 21,067,maintained some tight restrictions on movement,while Denmark,one of the first European countries to shut down,will reopen daycare centres and schools for children in first to fifth grades on Wednesday.

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