Darren Winterford,founder of EdApp.

Darren Winterford,founder of EdApp.Credit:James Brickwood

The partnership will open up parts of EdApp's mobile learning platform for hundreds of thousands of people around the world from war torn Afghanistan to Haiti.

EdApp was founded by Darren Winterford in 2015 and the platform secured $4 million in funding two years ago fromAustralian technology unicorn SafetyCulture.

The startup counts major brands such as Mars,Mercedes Benz and the Commonwealth Bank as customers and has been delivering 50,000 lessons a day.

"We have been growing at 100 per cent year-on-year but in the last few months we are growing at one and a half to two times that again,"Mr Winterford said.

Mr Winterford said EdApp is providing its platform at no cost to the United Nations in a partnership that will have global impact and give EdApp added legitimacy.

"It will help improve our tool and it is really satisfying to see the results of it ... in communities or parts of the world that really need it the most,"he said."We think we have this ability to scale unlike the world has really seen before. We would like to be the biggest mobile learning platform in the world."


Mr Winterford said thecoronavirus pandemic had accelerated the worldwide shift to online learning.

"The COVID-19 situation at the moment is proof that the education sector is just playing catchup to be able to service everyone interested in learning that is not happening face-to-face,"he said."We are growing exponentially because there is just so much demand. The world is beginning to learn how to learn remotely."


Nikhil Seth,assistant secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of UNITAR toldThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald the partnership would help the global body focus on good global citizenship.

"EdApp is a great resource for reaching a large number of people,"he said."Especially on the kinds of things the UN has been championing for a very long time,like equality,leadership,entrepreneurship for women and particularly for countries that are very distressed."

Mr Seth said online learning was meeting a relevant need and it was appropriate to launch the program in the era of social distancing.

"As we are struggling against the COVID-19 pandemic,our ability to reach hundreds of thousands of people has great potential,"he said.

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