HSC exams to go ahead in 2020

HSC exams to go ahead in 2020Credit:Wolter Peeters

But a meeting of the authority's COVID-19 response committee on Friday decided to proceed with the examinations. A timetable would be released by May 15. Sources toldThe Sydney Morning Herald that any changes to the start or finish dates would likely be minor.

Due dates would be extended for major projects in design and technology,industrial technology,textiles and design and visual arts.


Schools and parents would also be given more time to submit evidence for disability provisions for the exams.

NESA chair Peter Shergold said the committee was working through every element of the HSC so the results issued to students in mid-December take into account any disruption due to the pandemic.

“The health and safety of students,teachers,exam supervisors and markers,as well as equity for students remain central to the committee’s planning for this year’s HSC,” Professor Shergold said.

NESA will provide teachers with detailed marking guidelines and monitor marks submitted to ensure equity.


The Universities Admissions Centre has also confirmed students would have an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank this year.

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