Traffic backs up along a highway in Beijing last week.

Traffic backs up along a highway in Beijing last week.Credit:AP

Despite an expected gradual economic rebound,the public transport system is already moving the masses. Taxis,buses and private cars have been running at normal levels in 31 regions and cities since April 4,according to the Ministry of Transport. Crude processing rates by the nation's refiners are also getting a boost from people operating trucks and returning to construction sites,which is increasing consumption of diesel,according to senior officials at the nation's top refiners.

Wuhan,the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak,emerged from a months-long lockdown in early April,but social distancing in schools and face masks are still compulsory in other cities to prevent a second wave of infections.

Refinery ramp-up

State-owned and independent refiners have kept processing rates at 13 million barrels a day in April,according to the officials who asked not to be identified as they aren't authorised to speak publicly.

Traffic travel along a road in Beijing. The Chinese economy will grow by less than 2 per cent in 2020 as the anti-virus shutdowns combine with a collapse in global demand due to the pandemic,according to Bloomberg.

Traffic travel along a road in Beijing. The Chinese economy will grow by less than 2 per cent in 2020 as the anti-virus shutdowns combine with a collapse in global demand due to the pandemic,according to Bloomberg.Credit:Bloomberg

That almost matches the monthly average in 2019 and compares with a daily rate of 9 million in February when demand fell because of the outbreak.

The rebound has been led by independent refiners,known as teapots,which have increased processing to a record level. The situation in China contrasts with India,Europe and the US,where refineries are continuing to cut processing rates as lockdowns remain in force.


PetroChina,the country's largest oil company,said it expected refinery utilisation to recover to about 80 per cent in the second quarter,compared to 75.7 per cent in the first quarter,according to a Citigroup research note citing a call with company executives. Refineries would also shift product yields to produce more diesel,which is in relatively higher demand than gasoline,the executives said at the call.


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