Coronavirus:AstraZeneca to make Oxford COVID-19 vaccine
AstraZeneca to make Oxford vaccine as COVID-19 race heats up

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AstraZeneca to make Oxford vaccine as COVID-19 race heats up

ByMarthe Fourcade andJohn Lauerman

AstraZeneca agreed to make an experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University researchers as the race heats up for the key to halting the pandemic.

The company is one of dozens around the world that have joined the competition,with the Trump administration on Wednesday announcing amassive effort aimed at making shots available for Americans by year's end. Astra's tie-up with Oxford shows how developers are aiming to manufacture vaccines before they've cleared human tests so they can be distributed as soon as possible.

As the coronavirus shuts down businesses and industries,countries are vying for a vaccine to help them get workers back in place and economies restarted. Oxford's swift work offers a glimmer of hope in a country already beset by thousands of deaths and a continuing lockdown.

"We should know relatively soon if it does work or not,"Astra Chief Executive Officer Pascal Soriot told BBC radio."By June,July,we will already have a pretty good idea."

The experimental shot could reach late-stage trials by the middle of the year,ranking as one of the most advanced vaccine projects. Astra said Thursday it would join in the development as well as manufacture and distribute the product.

The vaccine developed by a team headed by Oxford's Sarah Gilbert entered human testing last week. It's one of at least 70 projects under development against the new virus,Sars-CoV-2. As the number of coronavirus infections globally exceeds 3 million,the pressure is growing to come up with solutions to the contagion.

The Trump administration's"Operation Warp Speed"program will pull together private pharmaceutical companies,government agencies and the military to try to cut the development time for a vaccine by as much as eight months,according to two people familiar with the matter.

The Oxford team's vaccine candidate is a single shot that's been administered to 320 people so far,who reported mostly flu-like symptoms,headaches and arm soreness. AstraZeneca didn't provide financial details of the agreement.


GlaxoSmithKline,Astra's UK rival and one of the world's biggest vaccine makers,has joined forces with France's Sanofi on separate development work.

Astra plans to rely on contract manufacturing organisations and other partners globally while ramping up its own production capacity,Soriot said. A vaccine is the"number one tool"the company can try to bring to the pandemic,he said.

Based on the agreement with the government and Oxford"for the period of the pandemic we will be supplying the vaccine at cost,"he said. He said he expects it to be accessible and affordable.

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