Sixty per cent of Australia's population growth in the past decade has come form migration.

Sixty per cent of Australia's population growth in the past decade has come form migration.Credit:James Alcock

While local mums have played their part in swelling the number of locals,the heavy lifting has been done by people from nations such as China,India,Britain,New Zealand and the Philippines who have decided to call Australia home.

Over the past decade,the nation's permanent population has grown by 3.7 million to more than 25 million. Of that increase,60 per cent was due to net migration.

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EU's 13 billion for vaccine'just a start'

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the €7.5 billion ($12.9 billion) of funds targeted by the bloc to develop and manufacture a coronavirus vaccine"are just the start,"according to an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

"I think we will need more money over time,"von der Leyen said.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.Credit:AP

The European Commission,which is the executive branch of the EU,will host a virtual summit meeting on May 4 for leaders to push to raise the funds.

The World Health Organisation and the leaders of France and Germany on Thursday launched a drive to accelerate the development of a vaccine,stressing it should be available to everyone,without favour shown to the country that develops it first.

The pandemic can only be overcome with a vaccine and so global coordinated research is needed,von der Leyen said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised her country will make a"distinct"financial contribution to the effort,adding she didn't want to disclose the amount yet. A total of €8 billion are needed to make vaccination,medication and adequate diagnostics available for"all people on earth,"she said in her weekly podcast.

Germany is co-hosting Monday's donor conference.

"Common action is a must,"said Merkel."Only joint,international,multilateral action will allow us to overcome the pandemic."

In terms of financial aid for EU member states,von der Leyen said the EU needs"a big recovery instrument"on top of its seven-year budget. That instrument should be"Marshall Plan-like,"which can be channelled through the budget.

The EU must also improve its crisis-response system to be able to buy critical medical goods such as personal protective equipment,masks and ventilators,and to stockpile and distribute them to member states,she added.



Going easy on yourself can make you healthier as well as happier

ByStuart Layt

People are being urged to go easy on themselves during difficult times such as the coronavirus lockdown,as research shows it improves not only mental but also physical health.

New research shows giving yourself a break can have physical as well as mental benefits.

New research shows giving yourself a break can have physical as well as mental benefits.

University of Queensland researchers along with colleagues in the United States and the United Kingdom used brain imaging and other scanning techniques to measure how the body reacted when someone was positive or negative about themselves.

PhD candidate Jeffrey Kim from UQ said the scientific investigation into the power of positive thinking was in its early stages but results indicated it was related to stress levels.

“We looked at how people responded to setbacks,failures and mistakes and we are living in very stressful times – many people will be experiencing those things right now,” he said.

“So I think our research can show evidence to support the positive role that compassion can have on the brain and body when we’re stuck in this space.”

Mr Kim said the findings showed our brains and bodies reacted the same way to self-criticism as they did to external threats and could exacerbate the effect they had on us.

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Flight Centre to stop charging cancellation fees amid criticism

ByAnthony Colangelo

Flight Centre has decided tostop charging cancellation fees to customers whose travel has been impacted by COVID-19.

The travel agent had been charging a $300 per person cancellation fee for bookings from before the outbreak,with some law firms and customersconsidering a class action against the practice.

Flight Centre will no longer charge cancellation fees.

Flight Centre will no longer charge cancellation fees.Credit:Christopher Pearce

But in a letter sent to customers on Saturday,Flight Centre backed down from that position.

“The decision to waive[cancellation] fees will impact our business,nevertheless we have heard your feedback and we believe this step is the right one for the current economic conditions where stand downs and job losses are a daily occurrence for many Australians,” Flight Centre Travel Group executive general manager Allisa O’Connell wrote in the letter.

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Virus costs French state rail company two billion euros

French state-owned railroad company SNCF estimates that it has lost €2 billion euros ($3.45 billion) so far due to the coronavirus crisis.


Job cuts and state aid may be needed if the transport slump drags on for longer,SNCF Chief Executive Officer Jean-Pierre Farandou told France Inter radio Saturday.

Public transport operators reduced their service after France decided to curb non-essential travels in mid-March. While the lockdown will progressively be lifted from May 11,it is unclear when train traffic will return to normal.

SNCF's troubles are yet another blow to French public finances. The nation's economy is set to shrink by 8.6 per cent this year in Bloomberg Economics'central forecast.

The crisis could translate in asset sales for SNCF,which has previously said it was"still too soon"to know how coronavirus will impact its overall finances.

The company,which plans to bring more than 50% of normal capacity back as of May 11,had €5.8 billion in cash and €3.5 billion available in revolving credit facilities at the end of last month.



Iran coronavirus deaths rise to 6156

Iran's death toll from new coronavirus increased by 65 in the past 24 hours to 6,156 on Saturday,Health Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said in a statement on state TV.

The total number of diagnosed cases in Iran,one of the hardest-hit Middle Eastern countries,has reached 96,448,he said,adding that 2,787 were in critical condition.

Watch:Marathon runner feared death as he battled COVID-19

Melbourne man and Movember ambassador Kieran Ryan feared he could die while battling COVID-19 after returning from the Los Angeles Marathon but he has recovered and has a strong message for those who find themselves facing their own battle.

The marathon-running 31-year old is worth listening to as he tells his story to Channel Nine News.

Investigation into possible breaches of infection protocols at Newmarch House

ByJordan Baker andPallavi Singhal

NSW Health authorities have identified possible issues with infection control processes at the Newmarch aged care facility,which has been linked to 61 coronavirus cases and 13 deaths.

Two expert infection control nurses were deployed to the facility in Caddens in Sydney's west this week to report on and help improve infection control practices at the nursing home,where two additional staff members were confirmed as having COVID-19 on Saturday.

Minister for Health Brad Hazzard,NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant on Saturday.

Minister for Health Brad Hazzard,NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant on Saturday.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

"There have been some elements where consistent application of practice has not occurred,"NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said.

"We're looking at secondary cases,we've seen transmission that looks like breaches of infection control,particularly among staff."

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Women's sport may be the solution not the problem in virus recovery

ByNeil Breen

In the middle of the crisis,the future can wait. The only thing that matters is the immediate future.

The NRL is on the brink,Rugby Australia is broke,Football Federation Australia is stone-cold broke. Even Cricket Australia,blessed with rivers of gold out of India,is slicing and dicing all over the place.

Brumbies Head Coach Dan McKellar says they're watching the return of the NRL closely with regards to restarting their own comps. #SuperRugby

And when it’s all said and done,and life returns to normal,our sporting codes will take years to recover,balance their books and begin putting away a nest egg ahead of the next pandemic,or whatever catastrophe it is that brings them to their knees.

Priority will be given to the"main game"in all professional sports during the recovery. By main game,we’re talking about the NRL and State of Origin in rugby league,the AFL,the Australian men’s cricket team and,to a lesser extent,the Socceroos.

What will be left for junior development,for grassroots? What about community programs? All those feel-good things on the side.

More concerning,what will happen to the women’s competitions in all of this?

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