Some of Australia's most celebrated soccer players are banding together in an effort to improve the game here.

Some of Australia's most celebrated soccer players are banding together in an effort to improve the game here.Credit:AP

Youth development,the cost of junior football,coaching programmes and the way the game is run at grassroots level have also been topics of hot debate as soccer administrators,fans and supporters all grapple with what sort of future the game might have when the shutdown stops.

Now some of Australia's best known players from the past 25 years have thrown their hats into the ring,organising to form a pressure group aimed at driving change.

Another former national team captain in Craig Moore is the local focal point,but other names on the lobbying list include John Aloisi,Scott Chipperfield,Vince Grella,Zeljko Kalac,Josip Skoko and Luke Wilkshire as well as Neill and Viduka. All had decorated careers in Europe and Moore says they"feel a responsibility to secure Australia's football future".

"We played in the World Cup in 2006,but we learned our football and grew up in the game up to 20 years before that,"Moore said in a statement on behalf of the group.

"What we see now is that the pool of talent needs broadening,and standards and quality have not as advanced as much as they should.

"We believe Australia has the sporting gene pool for every generation to be a'golden generation'and that's what we want for football – men and women.


"It's wonderful to see the progress of the women's game in the past decade,but we believe the men's game has not kept pace because the necessary pre-conditions for success are not there."

Their primary drive is to ensure that football and the game itself,not just commercial considerations,are to the fore when decisions about its future are being made."We also want to make sure that football people are part of that equation,"Moore said.

He argues that too much money meant for football is being spent on administrators and too little on improving standards and encouraging greater engagement in the game.

"We know how football should work. We don't accept the narrative that the game is'struggling'and must take its place behind other sports and other broadcasting priorities,"Moore said.

"Football is the single biggest sport in the world. We have two million regular participants. Our top domestic teams have annual competition in Asia. We are regular participants in the world's single biggest sporting event in the World Cup,and we're at the Olympics.

"Football is as much a part of our sporting culture,history and heritage as any other sports.

"There is not just the A-League and W-League,but the Socceroos and Matildas,the FFA Cup,a national second division,state leagues,mini-tournaments held throughout the country and national youth championships.

Moore says access to an OTT streaming app should be part of the registration charge for young players in junior competitions around the country.

"Owning the broadcast rights also means football could give something back to the many young players in this country who pay'a great big player tax'to associations,state federations and FFA,"he said.

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