Householders can find cheaper energy providers online with a simple click.

Householders can find cheaper energy providers online with a simple click.Credit:Steve Cassell

There is also another source of relief available to millions of homeowners and renters:an enormous pot containing billions of dollars in government concessions and rebates for concession-card holders,Centrelink recipients and those in financial distress.

Unfortunately,many consumers do not know this relief exists,and navigating the options takes a great deal of research.

So,this week,in a bid to make things a bit easier,I pulled together the latest state-by-state rundown of what is at hand.

For ease of navigation,I will divide the information into three categories – relief everyone can get;relief for concession-card holders,and relief for others suffering financial hardship.

1 – Relief for everyone

InVictoria,the state government is paying people a"$50 Power Saving Bonus"to use its energy comparison website. If you haven’t run a search yet and collected your handout,do it here atvictorianenergysaver.

InQueensland,because the state still owns the energy networks,households can obtain a$50-a-year credit on their bills,which are expected to rise about $200 this year because of COVID-19.


2 – Relief for concession-card holders

InNSW,there is almost$400 a year available for card holders,comprising a $285"Low Income Rebate"and a $110"Gas Rebate"— or $200 if you are a self-funded retiree with a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

InVictoria,I counted10 different rebates that could add up to hundreds of dollars in relief,from the"Annual electricity concession"(about 17.5 per cent of your bill) to the"Controlled load electricity concession,Winter gas concession",and the"Service-to-property charge concession".

InQueensland,more than $400 is available from the"Electricity Rebate" and the "Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate".

InSouth Australia,you can get$400-plus from the "Energy Bill Concession" and the "Cost of Living Concession".


Finally,inWestern Australia,the"Energy Assistance Payment" has doubled this year to $600.

If you google the names of the concessions above,you will find the relevant page to check your eligibility.

Note that if you receiveJobSeekerpayments,you are also eligible for aHealth Care Card,which will qualify you for most of the payments above.

InSA,JobSeeker recipients can get the concessions mentioned above,plus a $500 boost.

3 – Relief for others

Even if you do not have a relevant card,there could be money in the pot for you.

InNSW,for instance,the"Energy Accounts Payment Assistance Scheme" now gives $50 vouchers to those facing financial emergencies,for up to $1600 a year.

Those who receive theFamily Tax Benefit in NSW can access a $180"Family Energy Rebate" until June 18.

InQueensland,there is a"Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme", offering up to $720 a year for those in financial crisis.

These emergency payments are also available to concession-card holders who need them.

If you are eligible for any of the above handouts,be sure to get them. And if you have a neighbour or family member who needs some help to find them,give them a hand.

Joel Gibson is the author ofKILL BILLS! The 9 Insider Tricks you Need to Win the War on Household Bills. Catch him onTODAY each Wednesday and on Twitter@joelgibson

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