Premier Gladys Berejiklian says NSW is in a better position than expected in terms of COVID cases.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian says NSW is in a better position than expected in terms of COVID cases.Credit:Louie Douvis

"I think what we haven't quite absorbed is the extent of the economic shock and please know that every decision our government makes won't be easy because we are staring down,literally,hundreds of thousands of extra people coming off JobKeeper and going straight onto the dole queue,"she said.

NSW recorded two new cases of the virus in the 24 hours to 8pm on Wednesday,with both overseas travellers who are quarantining in Sydney hotels.

But there has not been any community transmission for more than a week.


Ms Berejiklian urged travellers over the long weekend to stick to social distancing measures as many have the chance to leave their home towns for the first time since February.

"We're probably doing better than we anticipated at this stage of the pandemic,however we have to be cautious,we have to be vigilant,we have to be safe to make sure that even the mildest symptom means we get tested,"Ms Berejiklian said.

"Please know that whilst we're doing well,we want to keep it that way."


Ms Berejiklian said if cases continued to be restricted to returning travellers there would be more easing of restrictions,including around cinemas and public transport.

"The response we have had from all our citizens has exceeded my expectations,"she said.

"I think all of us have really surprised ourselves at how we have worked together."

But the economy was the next hurdle,and Ms Berejiklian said the contraction in NSW's finances did not take into account the peak of the pandemic lockdown.

The national economy shrunk by 0.3 per cent in the March quarter,the first quarter of negative growth in nine years.

Of the states and territories,NSW suffered the biggest hit with state final demand down by 1.5 per cent. But Ms Berejiklian said the worst was still to come.

"The June figures which come out in the next round will really demonstrate the impact of COVID. I think what we should read into the March figures is how much the bushfires and storms impacted our economic activity,"she said.

"So we should brace ourselves for what those[next ones] might be."

Ms Berejiklian said about one-third of people on JobKeeper are from NSW,with hundreds of thousands of those facing job losses when the scheme ends in September.

"That is a concern for us and we are trying to work to stem that job loss,"she said.

The government was in the Industrial Relations Commission on Thursday for its first closed-door hearing with public sector unions over its plan to freeze wages.

A regulation to stop public sector workers from getting up to a 2.5 per cent pay rise was blocked in the NSW upper house on Tuesday,forcing the government to the independent arbiter.

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