The biggest single monthly lift in job ads may be a sign the worst of the recession has passed.

The biggest single monthly lift in job ads may be a sign the worst of the recession has passed.Credit:Virginia Star

Recent retail trade figures and the reopening of most states have given the bank some hope that after the depths of the economic downturn through April and early May there has been a modest turnaround.

The keenly watched ANZ measure of job ads,released Monday,gave some hint of the improvement with ads soaring a record 42 per cent in June.

The ANZ said the jump in June saw total ads lift by 26,380. It dwarfed the previous one-month increase of 17.7 per cent recorded in February 2010.

Despite the lift,ads are still 41 per cent or 61,671 down on where they stood in February before social distancing rules were put in place to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

ANZ senior economist Catherine Birch said there had been solid week-on-week increases through June as the economy reopened.

But Ms Birch cautioned that the recovery in ads would slow.

"After an initial bounce,we expect the recovery will be a lot slower,"she said.


"There have been a number of recent large-scale lay-offs announced across a wide range of sectors,including travel,retail,media,consulting,and education."

Ms Birch said the increase in COVID-19 cases in Melbourne and the return of lockdowns there posed a growing risk to the pace and timing of the recovery in employment.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Monday conceded the closure of the NSW-Victoria border would have an impact on the jobs market.

"There is no doubt that closed borders cost jobs,but we are facing a significant spike in cases with Victoria,"he said.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority reported on Monday that in the week to June 28,another $1.2 billion was paid out to an additional 129,000 people.


Since the program started,more than 2.4 million people have withdrawn an average of $7503 from their super with total withdrawals now at $18.1 billion.

When announcing the policy in March,Mr Frydenberg said $27 billion was expected to be withdrawn by about 1.5 million people. The policy also has a long term cost to the budget,reducing revenue by $310 million in 2023-24 and an increasing amount beyond that.

The ATO website struggled last week as the start of the new financial year enabled people to withdraw another $10,000 from their super.

Industry Super estimates up to 500,000 have wiped out their entire super nest eggs,including 395,000 people under the age of 35.

Mr Frydenberg said the government had got its superannuation policy correct,enabling people to access their own money at a time of need.

"This money is being used to pay some of the debts people have,also to meet the daily discretionary expenses during this crisis,"he said.

"I stand by that policy,I think it has been very effective."

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