One Nation leader Pauline Hanson will no longer be a regular contributor on Channel Nine's Today Show.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson will no longer be a regular contributor on Channel Nine's Today Show.Credit:Alex Ellinghuasen

Asked a question about support services for residents,Hanson claimed during Monday's interview:"We've seen food being delivered there. The fact is a lot of them are drug addicts as well,they are getting their medication,they are alcoholics so they're being looked after in that way."

Hanson suggested residents'lack of English-language skills had contributed to the lockdown.


"A lot of these people are from non-English speaking backgrounds,probably English is their second language who haven't adhered to the rules of social distancing. They all use a lot of the same laundry,"Hanson said.

"So the fact is you've got to look at why they are in that situation. Why is it they are in that situation? Why has the government gone to this high-rise building and shut it down? Possibly because a lot of these people weren't doing the right thing.

"Is the government worried about the other areas that are shut down? You know,the people in their homes,are they able to actually get out and buy the food as well? There has to be a reason why they have targeted this set of blocks,apartment blocks. Ask that question."

Hanson also said some of the residents were from"war-torn countries"and knew what it was like to face"tough conditions".

It isn't the first time a breakfast TV show and the Queensland senator have parted ways. Last year,Hanson was a regular commentator for Seven'sSunrise program.

However,she jumped ship to Nine after a fiery interview withSunrise co-host David Kochresulted in her views on Muslim immigration being challenged.

At the time,Seven was not paying Hanson for her appearances but was donating to a charity of her choice. A Nine spokesman said the Senator had a similar arrangement with theToday Show.

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