Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam.Credit:AP

Raab said Britain was still fine-tuning the legal definition of"corruption"before it could also be added to the criteria.

Britain's first wave of designations included 49 officials and organisations complicit in the gulags of North Korea,in the persecution of the Rohingya people in Myanmar,the murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey and Russians involved in the 2009 death of tax advisor Sergei Magnitsky,after whom the laws are named.

Magnitsky's family members were in Raab's office with their lawyer-turned-activist Bill Browder to watch him make the statement.

"Those with blood on their hands,the thugs of despots,or the henchmen of dictators,won’t be free to waltz into this country to buy up property on the Kings Road[in Chelsea],or do their Christmas shopping in Knightsbridge,or frankly to siphon dirty money through British banks or financial institutions,"Raab said.

But MPs immediately pointed out that not a single Chinese official was listed,prompting criticism given last week's claims of a Beijing campaign of"demographic genocide" against Uighurs in Xinjiang andrepression of the democracy activists in Hong Kong.

Prominent MPs urged Raab to include the Hong Kong chief on the list.


"Would he be prepared to follow through with these,no matter who these individuals are,no matter how high they go,even if that meant starting with Carrie Lam - whose family[members],I understand,have the privilege of British passports?"former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith asked Raab.

"I strongly urge the foreign secretary to look at another clause which would include the repression of democracy and those rights of assembly and freedom of speech and therefore look very carefully at whether Carrie Lam shouldn't be on the list,"Labour MP Chris Bryant,an early campaigner for the Magnitsky laws,said.

The real test for the UK is what comes next.

Emil Dall,senior research fellow,Royal United Services Institute

Raab did not rule out expanding the list to include Lam.

"We will look to progress and develop and finetune and enhance this regime as we proceed,"he said.


Raab said he was about to hold another call with his counterparts from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing countries (Australia,US,New Zealand and Canada) to discuss coordinating future designations.

Australia is considering similar legislation while the US already lists 250 entities and individuals,and Canada lists 70.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo welcomed the British legislation and said it would further aid their countries'cooperation on combating human rights abuses.

"The United States will continue to seek out additional allies and partners to jointly leverage all tools at our disposal to deny access to the US and international financial systems to all those who engage in serious human rights abuses,"Pompeo said.


"We're almost moving towards a situation where we could have the Five Eyes issuing human rights sanctions designations in unison and with the EU joining,if and when a consensus can be reached between the remaining member states,"Emil Dall,a senior research fellow at the think tank the Royal United Services Institute,said.

"The real test for the UK is what comes next. If the UK is prepared to sanction human rights abusers in a small,less developed country,it must be equally prepared to do so against individuals in countries with whom it is negotiating free trade agreements,"Dall said.

China's ambassador makes veiled threat over Huawei

The Magnitsky legislation was unveiled just hours after China's ambassador to Britain,Liu Xiaoming,threatened Boris Johnson's government over any reversal of the decision in January to allow Huawei to build Britain's 5G networks.

ABritish review conducted in the wake of new sanctions imposed by the Trump administration that denies Huawei access to US-made semiconductors is widely expected to recommend a phase-out of the Chinese equipment,in line with the demands of Tory rebels who believe they have the numbers to humiliate Johnson in the Commons.

If you want to make China a hostile country,you have to bear the consequences.

Liu Xiaoming,Chinese ambassador to Britain

"The point of commissioning this advice from the National Cyber Security Centre was to understand the implications of the US sanctions,clearly the US sanctions will present challenges,"Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden told the BBC's Radio 4.

Liu warned that the Chinese business community was watching the decision closely and any reversal would show the world that the British could not form its own independent foreign policy.

"There might be many[consequences],"Liu said."China's business community - they're all watching how you handle Huawei. If you get rid of Huawei you send out a very bad message for other Chinese businesses."

China's ambassador to the UK Liu Xioming holds a news conference over Twitter on Monday,July 6,2020.

China's ambassador to the UK Liu Xioming holds a news conference over Twitter on Monday,July 6,2020.Credit:Twitter/AmbLiuXioMing

Liu warned there would also be consequences if Britain continued tooffer citizenship to 3 million Hong Kongers in the wake of China's new security law which Britain says violates the 1984 handover agreement.

Liu claimed there was widespread support for the law,citing approval from the London-headquartered HSBC and Standard Chartered.

"Some politicians tried to criticise[these banks] - that's wrong,"Liu said."We want to be your friend,we want to be your partner but if you want to make China a hostile country,you have to bear the consequences."

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