Students are being impacted by the shock to society.

Students are being impacted by the shock to society.Credit:Michele Mossop

Many kids have been resilient,but others have developed renewed separation anxiety and their ability to cope with challenges has gone backwards. Negative behaviour is also rising more quickly,say school staff canvassed byTheSun-Herald.

"It is exacerbating whatever the child is struggling with,"one primary teacher said."Socially maligned kids have become more withdrawn;kids that struggle to sit in class are rolling on the floor and calling out. I feel the kids have all regressed a bit."

Many have struggled to re-establish the friendships they had before lockdown,or are having more disputes with peers. Some feel they cannot talk to their parents about it because mum and dad have serious stresses of their own.

Principals and teachers say there is less joy at school,exacerbated by the lack of assemblies to build school spirit,or excursions and camps to look forward to.

We can’t shield children now from what’s going on in the world. They’re hearing conversations. They’re seeing things.

Margo Ward,CEO of KidsXpress

"It’s hard to program exciting lessons when excursions and incursions are off the menu,some equipment is banned from use,and we are programming conservatively in case we have to shut down and hand over to parents,"a teacher said.

The casual after-school chats between parents and teachers,and the parent-run clubs,events and fundraisers that bind the school community together,are also off limits as non-essential adults are required to stay outside the school gates.


Margo Ward,of the children’s mental health charity KidsXpress,said most of the focus during the pandemic has been on senior students,but primary-level kids were also suffering in ways they were too young to articulate.


"Their anxiety levels are high,"Ms Ward said."Their routine has gone. We are wearing masks. We’ve been in isolation. We are running on two-week cycles for COVID numbers. Their parents are worried.

"We can’t shield children now from what’s going on in the world. They’re hearing conversations. They’re seeing things.

"Their behaviours are an attempt to gain control over an environment that's completely changed for them. Some of this behaviour is them expressing the worry and stress they are holding. They don’t know what to do."

Dannielle Miller from Enlighten Education,which runs programs for teenage girls in high schools,said students felt disconnected."There’s been a problem with them trying to rebuild their friendships after such a large break,"she said.


"Also,they can’t physically get as close to each other. Their support staff – year advisers,teachers – don’t know them as well this year. Some students are fine,but there’s definitely a general mood of low morale."

The Kidman Centre at the University of Technology Sydney has been focusing on year 12 stress. Director Rachael Murrihy said the centre’s psychologists expected students would bounce back from lockdown,but they had not.

"All were saying that the feedback they were getting was they were struggling with motivation,energy and focus,"she said."They feel a pointlessness around what they are doing."

Students were uncertain about jobs,careers and university courses,but there were other stresses too. Not too long ago it looked like formals and graduation ceremonies might be able to go ahead,but students'hopes are fading as COVID case numbers rise.

Gap years,schoolies and big 18th birthday bashes will also be off the agenda."What we didn’t anticipate was the sense of grief around losing year 12,"Dr Murrihy said."There seemed to be a lot of sadness and anger around the fact they are losing that year and won’t get any chance to do it again."

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