Kate Jones and daughter Grace Cronin in 2018.

Kate Jones and daughter Grace Cronin in 2018.Credit:Tammy Law

The 41-year-old,who was the first Youth Premier of Queensland back in 1995,has long been touted as a potential future leader of the state.

Voted into Parliament in 2006,the same year as future premier Annastacia Palaszczuk,Ms Jones was promoted to cabinet in 2009 at the age of 30,making her Queensland's youngest minister to date.

“At the time,I recall there was a lot of talk both within and outside of the party about whether a young single woman,in her 20s,could actually win the seat – that feels like a lifetime ago when we see how many women are in this Parliament today,"Ms Jones said in her validictory speech.

“I am now married with two children,Thomas and Grace.

“Tommy has his own page in the history books here too. When I gave birth to him,during a sitting week,some 10 years ago,he became the first and remains the only child born to a female Minister in Queensland - I hope in the future this changes.

“Being the first,we didn’t have any precedent about maternity leave and I ended up working to the day Tom was born.

“I still owe the Premier,who generously did my estimates hearing as well as her own that year while I was on leave.”


After serving two terms as the member for Ashgrove in Brisbane's inner-west,Ms Jones lost her seat to Campbell Newman in Labor's 2012 electoral trouncing.

“There was the 2012 drubbing with the lessons from that time still ringing loudly in all our ears,"Ms Jones said.

“Queenslanders,of course,never get it wrong. And at that election,we on this side of House learned the truth the hard way.”

Ms Jones said the 2012 election was “tough” on her and her family.

“I had the humbling experience of losing my seat,” Ms Jones said tearing up.

“But that loss only strengthened my resolve to win back the trust of the people it has been my true honour and privilege to represent."

Sheturned the tables on Mr Newman at the next election,making the LNP leader a one-term premier as Labor was returned to power in 2015. Ms Jones's reward was a return to cabinet as education and tourism minister.

“That victory happened three years later in 2015,when I became only the second challenger in Queensland’s history to unseat a sitting Premier,"Ms Jones said.

“I of course,had assured my husband Paul that when Annastacia,the then leader of the opposition asked me to run against Campbell Newman in 2014 that there was no possible way we would form government.

“As the local member,in opposition it would be totally manageable with our then-four-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter ... well,as they say,the rest is history.”

After a seat redistribution in 2017,she became the member for Cooper and took on the portfolios of innovation and the Commonwealth Games.

Ms Jones is seen as one of the best negotiators and orators in the Palaszczuk cabinet.

Ms Jones is seen as one of the best negotiators and orators in the Palaszczuk cabinet.Credit:Matt Dennien

More recently she has taken responsibility for the Cross River Rail project and State Development.

Ms Jones is considered one of the best negotiators and orators in the Palaszczuk cabinet.

In her speech,Ms Jones said calling time on her state political career was"a very difficult decision for me and my family"and paid tribute to their sacrifices.

"I would like to thank everyone who has guided and influenced me along the way. Thank you to all the volunteers,local branch members and supporters who have stood shoulder to shoulder with me for five elections,"she said.

"To my husband and family that have been there for my children when I have not. I hope to make it up to you all.

"I truly hope that my time in public life has broken down more barriers for women in politics,making it that little bit easier for the next generation.

"I hope that I have inspired another little girl just like me,with big dreams,to believe in herself,back herself and know that if you set your mind to something and work hard,anything is possible.”

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