Coronavirus Australia:Federal budget tax cuts planned as job figures show strength of gig economy
Tax cuts in the budget as job figures show strength of gig economy

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Tax cuts in the budget as job figures show strength of gig economy

ByShane Wright andJennifer Duke

Personal income tax cuts will be a key feature of Josh Frydenberg's recession-busting federal budget as signs emerge the recovery in the jobs market is increasingly reliant on the gig economy.

Mr Frydenberg on Thursday made it clear that pulling forward previously legislated tax cuts as well as incentives for businesses to expand their operations would underpin the government's recovery plan to be revealed in the October 6 budget.

Tax relief worth $158 billion,much of which will go to high income earners,is due to start in mid-2022 and mid-2024.

Giving evidence to the Senate's COVID-19 committee,senior Treasury official Luke Yeaman confirmed the department had modelled the impact of changing the timing of the tax cuts.

"We have modelled and provided analysis and briefing advice to the government on the economic impacts of a whole series of measures including around payments,around[the] tax system,around business incentives as well,"he said.

Mr Frydenberg said tax cuts would be one of government's policy responses to the economy along with reducing red tape,reforming the industrial relations system and boosting expenditure on infrastructure.

The combination would help get the budget,likely to show a deficit of at least $200 billion in 2020-21,back on the path to surplus.

"The way to get our budget back to where it was is to grow the economy. And that will take years. This is a long,hard,bumpy road,"he said.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data on Thursday suggested a turnaround in the jobs market,with the unemployment rate dropping to 6.8 per cent in August from 7.5 per cent in July.


There were huge falls in jobless rates in many parts of the country. The Northern Territory's jobless rate fell from 7.5 per cent to 4.2 per cent,in Western Australia it dropped from 8.3 per cent to 7 per cent,while in Queensland it went from 8.8 per cent to 7.5 per cent.

In NSW,the nation's biggest jobs market,the jobless rate dropped from 7.2 per cent to 6.7 per cent.

Analysts and the government had been expecting a spike in unemployment in Victoria due to its lockdown. But even there,where 42,400 jobs disappeared,the unemployment rate only moved up to 7.1 per cent from 6.8 per cent.

The fall in unemployment was driven almost entirely by an unusual surge in the number of sole traders coming back into the jobs market.

In original terms,total employment lifted by 44,200 in August. Sole traders,who do not employ any staff,increased by more than 50,000. Many of these sole traders work in the gig economy.

The figures suggest these people were barely working. While total employment grew by 1 per cent,hours worked only increased by 0.1 per cent.

The effective unemployment rate,taking into account people counted as employed even though they worked zero hours,was closer to 9.5 per cent. Another 785,000 people are working fewer hours than they want.

EY chief economist Jo Masters said the increase was largely driven by part-time employment and people in the gig economy.


She said while the overall economy would need more support via the budget,there were positive signs.

"It looks increasingly likely that economic activity will avoid a third consecutive quarter of economic contraction and the unemployment rate will peak below 10 per cent,"she said.

    AMP Capital economist Diana Mousina said that,while the labour market was improving,53 per cent of jobs lost due to the coronavirus outbreak had been regained.

    There was also a second round of impacts yet to hit the market,including bankruptcies and business closures.

    "Subdued employment growth and a rising labour force participation rate,as more people go back into the workforce,means that the unemployment rate will keep rising,"she said.

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