Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.Credit:AP

RNC chairwomanRonna McDaniel has released a statement saying the party is forming"legal challenge teams"in Georgia,Michigan,Arizona and Pennsylvania.

"The President is correct,we need to pursue all of these irregularities and we've been organising staff to go to all of these battleground states,fundraising and getting ready to deploy to make sure we pursue election integrity and we fight for our voters so they do not get disenfranchised,"McDaniel told Fox earlier.

We'll be wrapping up developments here,so please do join us on our new blog as we take you through events as they unfold on Saturday.

More results expected from Pennsylvania soon,CNN reports

ByMarissa Calligeros

Thank you for joining me this evening as we anxiously watched the count in Georgia,where the stage is set for a Democratic win for the first time in 28 years. I am handing over toLatika Bourke,who will bring you the latest developments as they unfold.

Joe Biden is waking up in Delaware on Friday morning local time with the White House within reach.

The Democrats have their eyes firmly on the Pennsylvania prize,Biden's childhood home state. The state has 20 electoral college votes. If Biden wins Pennsylvania,he will win the presidency.

Election officials are expected to soon release more results in Pennsylvania,CNN reports. Biden is trailing Trump by about 18,000 votes in the Keystone State,but tens of thousands of ballots are still to be counted.

All eyes on Georgia ....

We're in almost exactly the same position we were at this time last night,with all eyes on the vote count in Georgia. The poll counters in Clayton County – just south of Atlanta,Georgia – have put in a heroic effort counting mail-in ballots through the night.

As a result,Biden is now leading Trump in the battleground state that has long been a Republican stronghold by 1096 votes. But the Associated Press says it is still too early to call.

Boxes of ballots and applications at an elections office in Georgia on November 5,2020.

Boxes of ballots and applications at an elections office in Georgia on November 5,2020.Credit:Bloomberg

Thousands of ballots are still left to be counted according to AP – many in counties where the former vice-president was in the lead.

There is a potential that the race could go to a recount. Under Georgia law,if the margin between Biden and Trump is under half a percentage point of difference,a recount can be requested.

Three more states – Pennsylvania,Nevada and North Carolina – are still in play. Trump leads in North Carolina,while Biden leads in Nevada. It's an incredibly tight race in Biden's childhood home state of Pennsylvania.

The solidly Republican state of Alaska has not been called,but Trump has 62 per cent of the vote there.

Associated Press has called Arizona for Biden,but not all media outlets agree with this call and are not including Arizona in their Electoral College tallies.

Trump Biden 2020

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Biden now leading by 1096 votes in Georgia

In Georgia,Biden hasincreased his lead to 1096 over Trump after another batch of ballots came in from Clayton County,just south of Atlanta.

Some counties sent election workers home overnight,but those in Clayton counted through the early hours of Friday morning (US time). It is the votes from Clayton pushing Biden further into the lead.

Election workers in suburban Gwinnett County are expected to finalise their vote count on Friday morning local time. It's currently 7am Friday there.

Gwinnett is a blue-leaning county and the vote there has been breaking 2-1 for Biden,New York Times reporter Stephanie Saul says.

What you need to know right now

If you're just joining us,here are the latest developments in the race to the White House ...

  • Democratic presidential candidateJoe Biden took a narrow lead over President Donald Trump in the battleground state of Georgia tonight (early on Friday morning US time),putting the White House within his reach.
Joe Biden on the campaign trail in Georgia.

Joe Biden on the campaign trail in Georgia.Credit:AP

  • The count is still too close to call in North Carolina,Pennsylvania and Nevada,while the result in Arizona – which Associated Press has called for Biden – could change. The solidly Republican state of Alaska has also not been called because only 50 per cent of its vote has been counted. Alaska will not release absentee numbers until November 10.
  • Citing"horror stories" President Donald Trump unleashed a torrent of fabricated accusations on Friday morning (Australian time) in an audacious attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the election. Standing behind the presidential seal,Trump used a White House setting symbolising the power of his office to assail an election he portrayed as rife with fraud and corruption. One allegation after another had no basis in fact,such as his accusation that election officials in Pennsylvania and Detroit tried to ban election observers from polling stations.
  • Trump backers,some carrying guns,ramped up demonstrations on Thursday night (US time) against what he has baselessly called a rigged election,in battleground states where votes were still being counted.
 Trump supporters outside the Clark County Election Department in Nevada.

Trump supporters outside the Clark County Election Department in Nevada.Credit:AP

  • Trump's campaign lost court rulings in the closely contested states of Georgia and Michigan as it vowed to bring a new lawsuit challenging what it called – without any evidence – voting irregularities in Nevada.
  • Philadelphia police said on Friday they were investigating an alleged plot to attack the city's Pennsylvania Convention Centre where votes are being counted.
  • A federal judge denied an emergency request from Trump's campaign to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia so long as Republican observers were not present.
  • About 1700 ballots were found in Pennsylvania mail processing facilities during two sweeps on Thursday (US time). The US Postal Service says those ballots are in the process of being delivered to election officials.
  • And,the US Office of Special Counsel has opened an investigation into allegations that the Trump campaign's use of the White House as an Election Day command centre violated federal law.

Facebook,Twitter purge violent rhetoric as tensions rise over election


Facebook has removed a fast-growing online group in which supporters of US President Donald Trump posted violent rhetoric,as it and other companies tackled baseless claims and potential violence after a contentious election.

The"Stop the Steal"group,which called for"boots on the ground to protect the integrity of the vote,"was adding 1,000 new members every 10 seconds and had grown to 365,000 members in a day.

Facebook has stepped up during the 2020 Election.

Facebook has stepped up during the 2020 Election.Credit:

"The group was organised around the delegitimisation of the election process,and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members,"a Facebook spokeswoman said.

Group backers said they were organising peaceful protests,had been working hard to police the comments and that Facebook had given no warning. Chris Barron,a spokesman for the group,said political opponents were also organising protests but were not banned.

"If Facebook wants to become the arbiter of truth then they've got a lot of work to do,"Barron said.

Facebook said the group's removal was in line with"exceptional measures"amid"heightened tension."

Measures Facebook introduced on Thursday include warning users results are not final as well as limiting how many people are shown live video about the election,or posts that the company's algorithms believe contain political misinformation.

Twitter on Thursday also suspended an account used by former Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon after he recorded a video in which he called for beheading FBI Director Christopher Wray as well as government infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci for being disloyal to Trump.

A Twitter spokesman cited company policy against glorifying violence. Other services also removed the video on similar grounds.

But the takedowns and warnings are something Trump supporters appear prepared for. Before Facebook deleted"Stop the Steal,"organisers directed members to an email sign-up page"in the event that social media censors this group."

The group's membership surged because seven prominent conservatives promoted it to their hundreds of thousands of followers,according to Renee DiResta,a researcher involved in the anti-misinformation Election Integrity Partnership.

While Facebook groups typically work as forums for shared interests,they can harbor hyper-partisan misinformation.

"Facebook has been enabling and amplifying the infrastructure that's now being used to attack our democratic process,"said Arisha Hatch,executive director of the Colour of Change political action committee,one of the country's largest online racial justice groups.

A review of a small number of comments posted to"Stop the Steal"before its deletion found no direct calls for violence,but its organising premise - that Republican votes are being"nullified"by Democrats - has no basis in fact.

Facebook,which normally recommends groups to users that they may want to join,last week suspended these recommendations for political groups and new groups around the election.

The"Stop the Steal"group was run by the Trump action group Women for America First. The non-profit organised protests against COVID-19 restrictions and supported Trump during his impeachment hearing.


Explainer:Can the Supreme Court block counting?

BySherryn Groch

While we're waiting for Georgia's next ballot results to land,some light reading to keep you occupied...

Can the Supreme Court block counting?

Trump cannot walk into the Supreme Court and file a petition there to stop votes being counted.

Challenges have to work their way up through a gauntlet of state courts first,including district,and,as the final court of appeal in the US,the Supreme Court can then decide which cases it hears.

Election officials have vowed to keep counting in the meantime but the longer it takes,the more time challengers will have to win a bid to block it. Still,Dr Thomas J. Adams,an expert in US politics and history at the University of Sydney,thinks the chances of the Trump campaign winning an injunction to halt counting unlikely.

"There's nothing in the courts to stop it right now. A judge would have to find a clear reason."

That reason,according to Trump,is voting fraud. After a long campaign of warning,without evidence,of ballots dumped in rivers and otherwise underhandedly manipulated to turn blue,the president told the nation overnight they had been the victim of a"major fraud". His evidence this time appeared to be the rapidly tightening race itself.


"We were getting ready to win this election,"Trump said,before several key state races began tilting for Biden."Frankly,we did win this election."(In a dramatic twist late on Friday AEST,Biden took the lead in the knife-edge vote count for key Republican stronghold,Georgia.) Trump has even declared pre-electionpolling by the media,which is conducted for every presidential race,was tantamount to electoral interference.

Sometimes things do go a little awry during voting. On election day this year a burst water main in Georgia delayed vote counting from some counties,for example. At another,there are reports a machine ran out of ink. There were long lines and some reports of voter intimidation,after Trump urged his supporters “observe” those casting ballots,but mostly election day ran smoothly.

The only evidence of voting fraud or tampering so far are two cases of Republican voters attempting to vote twice,disclosed by officials in Nevada and Pennsylvania.

But in that extraordinary speech on November 6 AEST,President Trump doubled down on his claims that the Democrats are trying to"steal"and"rig"the election as mail-in ballots"mysteriously appeared"and whittled down his leads in key states. Without evidence,he launched a tirade of allegations against electoral officials - many of them in states with Republicans running the show such as Georgia - and claimed that mail-in voting,a well-established system,"makes people corrupt even if they aren't by nature".

Officials across the country have hit back and begun to debunk some of the wild claims from Trump's campaign,including allegations of dead people voting in Nevada.One viral video allegedly depicting 80 Trump ballots being set alight,shared on Twitter by US President Donald Trump's son Eric,has already been ruled a fake by the city of Virginia Beach where it was filmed,which said:"They are NOT official ballots,they are sample ballots."The giveaway? The sample ballots did not have a bar code.

Adams says that when it comes to voter disenfranchisement,the odd box of ballots left unopened usually never makes a difference to the final result. The real tactic that changes the map is stopping certain people from voting in the first place.

"You hear stories here and there of ... human error. But the real problems are out of the Republican playbook,finding ways to stop people[likely to vote] Democrat,throwing up hurdles,like overzealous ID checks,at polls."

Of course,this year the expanded rules to allow for more mail-in voting during COVID has opened the doors for more legal challenges.

There's already been a suite of challenges in many states by Republicans keen to have mail-ins thrown out,including five heard by the Supreme Court in the past fortnight. Some states are counting ballots received up to three days after election day so long as they are clearly postmarked for November 3.

Read more here.

Analysis:The audacity of lies... Trump has been planning this all along

ByFarrah Tomazin

America’s current crisis in democracy is no accident:President Donald Trump has spent months laying the groundwork for an audacious bid to retain power,writesFarrah Tomazin.

On Friday (AEDT) Trump was his typically indignant self when he entered the White House briefing room to address reporters for the first time since his incendiary election night speech.

President Donald Trump speaks at the White House on Thursday,November 5,2020.

President Donald Trump speaks at the White House on Thursday,November 5,2020.Credit:AP

With votes still being counted,he spent 30 minutes doing what Trump does:airing his grievances;attacking his enemies;and undermining the integrity of American democratic institutions.

“If you count the legal votes,I easily win,” he falsely claimed. “If you count the illegal votes,they can try to steal the election from us.”

Trump’s comments were appallingly reckless,given the very thing the US needs right now is faith in its voting system and a leader who knows how to turn down the temperature.

But this rejection of the basic functions of American democracy has been months in the making.

Like most things involving the President,it started with a tweet. On July 30,Trump put out an inflammatory post suggesting the election should be delayed — an idea that was immediately rebuked,even by some of his top allies,such Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.

“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting,which is good),2020 will be the most INACCURATE&FRAUDULENT Election in history,” Trump tweeted. “It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly,securely and safely vote???”

The tweet,however,was just the beginning. Indeed,raising doubts about the validity of the election has been a central part of Trump’s campaign messaging for months,and he's used almost every public opportunity to rail against mail-in ballots,even though there is no evidence it leads to"widespread voter fraud".

Is it any wonder many of his supporters chose to vote in person on election day,ensuring most of the postal votes he's now seeing are coming from Democrats?

It's also worth considering some other things Trump has said and done in the lead up to this extraordinary week.

In August,for example,there was stand-off between Democrats and Republicans over billions of dollars in Congress-allocated funds that could have been used to improve the US Postal Service — the very institution in charge of ensuring ballots were properly delivered this week.

When Trump was asked about this matter in an interview with Fox News that month,he all but admitted that he was holding up the money for political reasons.

Read the full analysis piece here.

Georgia's political profile

Georgia has long been a Republican stronghold. Voters there haven’t swung for a Democratic presidential candidate since Bill Clinton in 1992.

Trump beat Hillary Clinton there by 5 percentage points in 2016. And the state’s government is dominated by the GOP (Grand Old Party).

Joe Biden on the hustings in Georgia.

Joe Biden on the hustings in Georgia.Credit:AP

But the party’s grip has loosened. As older,white,Republican-leaning voters die,they are being replaced by a younger and more racially diverse cast of people,many of whom moved to the booming Atlanta area from other states – and brought their politics with them.

Overall,demographic trends show that the state’s electorate is becoming younger and more diverse each year. Like other metro areas,Atlanta’s suburbs have also moved away from Republicans.

In 2016,Hillary Clinton flipped both Cobb and Gwinnett counties,where Biden is currently leading.

In 2018,Democrat Stacey Abrams galvanised Black voters in her bid to become the country’s first African American woman to lead a state,a campaign she narrowly lost.

A person dressed in a'Vote'superhero costume holds a campaign sign for Joe Biden outside a polling station in Atlanta,Georgia,on election day.

A person dressed in a 'Vote' superhero costume holds a campaign sign for Joe Biden outside a polling station in Atlanta,Georgia,on election day.Credit:Bloomberg

Many political analysts say it's not a question of if,but rather when Georgia becomes a swing state.

That much was clear in the closing weeks of the campaign as Biden,his running mate Senator Kamala Harris,and former President Barack Obama barn-stormed the state. Trump,too,visited the state to play defence.


Video:Republicans react to Trump's election fraud claims


Several prominent Republicans condemned US President Donald Trump's claims of a'stolen'election Thursday night:

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