"How could I only jog so little,when I used to run half-marathons? Would I ever to be able to – want to – jog regularly again?"

"How could I only jog so little,when I used to run half-marathons? Would I ever to be able to – want to – jog regularly again?"Credit:iStock

That was about eight years ago. Then I had my third child. And sincethen,I have had everyintention of jogging regularly. I would try jogging,once every few months. Each time,hating the feeling of not being able to go for more than a kilometre without feeling that my temples were going to blow,I would stop. I did no other exercise,except for short walks.

Likethose people who claim to be able to fly,I would think to myself:I’m a jogger. I just… don’tdo it very often.

Gone was the strength I’d feel when I used to jog,and the mental lightness I’d enjoy for the rest of the day,buoyed by the knowledge that I’d accomplished something,just for myself. I’d pushed my own limits,and won.

Did that spur me on,to jog again?Of course not. I still hadn’t hit rock bottom.

But then COVID hit. I ate peanut butter by the spoonful,and finished two jars in a couple of weeks. Many of my beloved pairs of vintage jeans no longer fit. My energy levels plummeted,further,and I began scurrying to my bed,the moment my husband came home,where I’d stay,for as long as I could.

“Mum,you have to be with us more,” my daughter said to me,one night in April,as she passed me a snack. “You have to be at the dinner table. You can’t just ask us to bring you popcorn in bed.”


I winced. I felt like the Darth Vader of parents. And I meant to change my habits,I really did. For seven months.

Then,three weeks ago,I couldn’t take it anymore.


So I started to jog. The first few times,I felt spectacularly crap. Sluggish. Unable to jog for more than two kilometres without stopping at every water fountain. Sweat poured into my eyes. How could I only jog so little,when I used to run half-marathons? Would I ever to be able to – want to – jog regularly again?

But then,after a couple of weeks of jogging three times a week – pitched forward the entire time,like runners at the tail end of a 20-kilometre race,and looking as though I might tip over – I pinged out of bed thinking:jog! After gradually increasing the distances of each outing,I'm now jogging five kilometres,regularly.

Do I feel like the author Joyce Carol Oates? The Pulitzer Prize winning writer,who once said:“Running! If there’s any activity happier,more exhilarating,more nourishing to the imagination,I can’t think of what it might be. In running the mind flees with the body,the mysterious efflorescence of language seems to pulse in the brain,in rhythm with our feet,and the swinging of our arms.”

I do not. I think about little,while I jog,except for when it will end. The water fountains have never been so lovingly attended to.

I don’t think age should be a barrier at all,if you’ve still got the drive to achieve something.

Philo Saunders,senior physiologist at the Australian Institute of Sport

But,perhaps it’s best not to compare yourself with an author so tireless (58 books and counting,plus novellas,plays,poetry,short stories and non-fiction) that James Wolcott once wrote a review of her work,titled,Stop Me Before I Write Again.

Also,according to Philo Saunders,senior physiologist at the Australian Institute of Sport,not only is comparing yourself to a more accomplished athlete a horrible idea,but it’s a de-motivating,psychological trap that even Olympians get caught up in.

“They feel that they’re going backwards,they might be at the highest level,and see someone who they were ahead of,winning a race that they think they should’ve won,[they’re] thinking ‘I’m never gonna get back to the level I was,because I’m not doing anything now’,” says Saunders,who currently coaches,among others,middle-distance runners who were slated to compete at the Tokyo Olympics this year,before it was postponed.

Hit your (running) stride

- Don’t go too hard,too fast. Train every other day,rather than every day. If you want to increase your distance,make one jog a week slightly longer,every week,by one to five minutes.

- If you’re learning to jog for the first time,jog for one minute,and walk for one minute,on repeat.

- Middle aged? Strength training exercises,like lunges,squats,and walking on your toes,will help your muscles work more efficiently.

- If you’ve been fit before,your body still retains some of the physiological adaptations from those years,which will make it easier for you to become fit again,compared to someone who has never exercised. These include:your heart being able to pump out more blood with every pulse,and capillary beds that deliver blood to muscles more efficiently.

- Go on organised park runs,where your improvement can be quantified,by having your race timed.

  • Source:Philo Saunders,senior physiologist,the Australian Institute of Sport

He tells me what he tells them and other top-tier athletes who begin to retrain after a period away from exercise due to illness or injury. “I give them confidence,which is usually what they want to hear,to believe in themselves and[to] feel like someone else believes in them. You try to get them to remember[what they’ve accomplished before]. People forget what they’ve done before[and they] can do it again.”

And,he says,advancing age is no obstacle to getting fit – either for the first time,or after a time away from exercise.

“The psyche of it is really important,” he says. “I don’t think age should be a barrier at all,if you’ve still got the drive to achieve something.”


And I do. Fourteen years ago,when my first child was born,I was driven by wanting to maintain some sort of control in my life and look as young and fresh as possible,while nailing long distances. My goals are different,now. I'd like to be able to jog 10 kilometres. It'd be nice if my jeans fit,again. But,most crucially,I want towant to jog,and have more energy than Frankenstein trying to hoola hoop after a hangover.

I've nailed the last two goals. I’m already winning.

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