US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks while delivering an address to the nation in Wilmington,Delaware.

US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks while delivering an address to the nation in Wilmington,Delaware.Credit:Bloomberg

Echoing Obama's language,Harris called it a testament to President-elect Joe Biden's character that"he had the audacity to break one of the most substantial barriers that exists in our country,and select a woman as his vice president."

“While I may be the first woman in this office,I will not be the last,” Harris said in her first post-election address to the nation.


The 56-year-old California Senator,also the first person of South Asian descent elected to the vice presidency,represents the multiculturalism that defines America but is largely absent from Washington's power centres.

Her identity has allowed her to speak in personal terms in a year of reckoning over police brutality and systemic racism. As the highest-ranking woman ever elected in American government,her victory gives hope to women who were devastated by Hillary Clinton's defeat four years ago.

Harris told little children to"dream with ambition,lead with conviction,and see yourselves in a way that others may not simply because they're never seen it before".

After Biden's speech,she was joined on stage by her family,including her two grand nieces who wore white dresses.


Kamala is Sanskrit for “lotus flower,"and Harris gave nods to her Indian heritage throughout the campaign,including with a callout to her “chitthis,” a Tamil word for a maternal aunt,in her first speech as Biden’s running mate.

A rising star in Democratic politics for much of the last two decades,Harris served as San Francisco's district attorney and California's attorney-general before becoming a senator. After she ended her 2020 Democratic presidential campaign,Joe Biden tapped her as his running mate. They will be sworn in as president and vice-president on January 20.

Biden’s running mate selection carried added significance because he will be the oldest president ever inaugurated,at 78,and hasn’t committed to seeking a second term in 2024.

Harris often framed her candidacy as part of the legacy of pioneering black women who came before her,including educator Mary McLeod Bethune,civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer and Shirley Chisholm,the first black candidate to seek a major party's presidential nomination in 1972.

She paid tribute to black women “who are too often overlooked but so often prove they are the backbone of our democracy.”

Harris is the second black woman elected to the Senate. Her colleague,Senator Cory Booker,who is also black,said her very presence makes the institution “more accessible to more people” and suggested she would accomplish the same with the vice presidency.

Harris was born in 1964 to two parents active in the civil rights movement. Shyamala Gopalan,from India,and Donald Harris,from Jamaica,who met at the University of California,then a hotbed of 1960s activism. They divorced when Harris and her sister were girls,and Harris was raised by her late mother,whom she considers the most important influence in her life.

“When she came here from India at the age of 19,she maybe didn’t quite imagine this moment. But she believed so deeply in an America where a moment like this is possible,"Harris said Saturday night.

Kamala has embraced her heritage in public. When Georgia Senator David Perdue mocked her name in an October rally,the hashtag #MyNameIs took off on Twitter,with South Asians sharing the meanings behind their names.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.Credit:AP

Harris'mother raised her daughters with the understanding the world would see them as black women,Harris has said,and that is how she describes herself today.

Her victory could usher more black women and people of colour into politics.

Harris is married to a Jewish man,Doug Emhoff,whose children from a previous marriage call her “Momala.” The excitement about her candidacy extends to women across races.


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