President-elect Joe Biden said his transition team's efforts were proceeding smoothly,despite Republicans'refusal to acknowledge defeat.

President-elect Joe Biden said his transition team's efforts were proceeding smoothly,despite Republicans' refusal to acknowledge defeat.Credit:AP

A week on from the election,Trump and the vast majority of Republican officials are showing no sign of accepting defeat. There's no reason to expect this to change soon — certainly not within the next month. The members of the Electoral College won't meet until December 14 to certify each state's election results. It won't be until December 23 until those results are transmitted to Congress.

This process would usually be a formality:the losing candidate would already have conceded,a transition process would be under way and the departing president would have invited his successor to the White House for a meeting. But this is no normal presidential election year.

Trump is going to string this out for as long as he can,and it's in Republicans'self-interest to play along. They are terrified of being seen as insufficiently loyal to Trump. And with two Senate run-off elections looming in Georgia in January,they know it is to their benefit to keep the base fired up andkeep donations coming into the Republican National Committee's coffers.

Expect more,not less,of the rhetoric we saw on Wednesday from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo when the nation's top diplomat said there would be a"smooth transition to a second Trump administration".


Pompeo was apparently joking,but this explanation didn't placate Democrats.

"This isn’t just delusional—it’s dangerous,"Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said."The peaceful transition of power is a cornerstone of our democracy.@JoeBiden won this election,and this administration needs to accept the results and let him get to work."

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy took aim at his Republican colleagues,saying in a speech:"There is an epidemic of delusion that is spreading out from the White House and infecting the entire Republican Party in the wake of this election.

"President Trump didn't win the election. Every single one of my colleagues knows this."

Biden and his advisers,however,are trying to play it cool and reduce Trump's all-caps tweets to background static.


When asked at a press conference about the Trump administration's refusal to formally authorise the start of the transition process,Biden declined to take umbrage,saying that it"does not in any way change the dynamic of what we’re able to do".

"We have already started the transition;we are well under way,"he said.

"The fact that they’re not willing to acknowledge that we won at this point is not of much consequence in our planning and what we’re able to do between now and January 20."

Biden pointed out that he had already spoken to several world leaders — including key allies Germany,France and the United Kingdom — which solidifies his status as the incoming president.

The same message came at a briefing soon after with Biden's legal team. Biden legal adviser Bob Bauer brushed away the Trump campaign's legal challenges as"noise,not really law"and"theatrics,not really lawsuits". He added that since election day,the courts had dismissed seven legal challenges brought by the Trump campaign in different states.

The Biden campaign,in other words,is happy to play the long game. And they have little doubt it's one they will win — even if there's lots of drama on the way to the White House.

Trump Biden 2020

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