Acting WA corruption commissioner Scott Ellis.

Acting WA corruption commissioner Scott Ellis.Credit:Nine News Perth

The report is the latest targeting the misuse of taxpayer funds by politicians,which was kicked off with revelations in a December 2019 report over the alleged misuse of allowances by Former Liberal MP Phil Edman.

The CCC lashed the behaviour of the MPs and said the report highlighted the"lack of understanding"by some members of Parliament about the purpose of parliamentary allowances.

'Electorate officer'didn't open her emails in seven years

In a report tabled in Parliament on Thursday morning,the CCC said former Shooters,Fishers and Farmers party MP Nigel Hallett – who was first elected as a Liberal MP – paid a woman with whom he had"an intimate friendship"$64,000 between 2009 and 2017,even though there was no evidence she did any work.

The CCC said the woman took home salary payments totalling more than $60,000 for what was allegedly half a day's work a week,accrued leave and was awarded pay rises. The CCC said the employee did not use her government email and worked at a private company for the entirety of her'employment'by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

"The Commission considers that her employment was a sham,a device enabling Mr Hallett to provide benefits to a person with whom he had an intimate friendship,"the report said.

Mr Hallet and the employee told the CCC that they had a short-lived intimate relationship before she was hired by Mr Hallet but that was refuted by the commission,which published WhatsApp messages between the pair from 2013 and 2014.


"Great to c u U r a horny lady (sic)...,"one message from Mr Hallett sent to the employee said.

The report also details the lavish meals and gifts Mr Hallett used his electorate allowance to pay for,including dinners at ritzy West Perth Italian restaurant Perugino and tickets to a Neil Diamond concert in 2015. The CCC did not believe the expenses were of any benefit to Mr Hallett's electorate.

The strip club

The report also details a visit by two former Liberal MPs to the Penthouse Club in Northbridge,which was allegedly paid for using taxpayer funds.

Former Liberal MP Brian Ellis,who was a legislative councillor from 2007 to 2017,was accused of spending $2000 at the strip club using his electorate allowance,although he said he was double-billed and $1000 was refunded.

Mr Edman was accused of spending almost $1000 of taxpayers'money on a private room at the strip club on the same night,where Brian Ellis had a"nude lap dance",according to the CCC,although he denied anyone paid for sexual activity.

But the CCC said it had a photograph of Brian Ellis"with a naked woman astride his lower body".

Former Liberal MPs Nigel Hallett and Phil Edman at the 2016 wine trip in Adelaide with former Shooters,Fishers,and Farmers MP Rick Mazza.

Former Liberal MPs Nigel Hallett and Phil Edman at the 2016 wine trip in Adelaide with former Shooters,Fishers,and Farmers MP Rick Mazza.Credit:CCC report

"He has his right hand on one of her buttocks,"the report read.

"When shown the photograph,[Brian] Ellis stated:'I don't know whether you would call that sexual activity'."

The report also scrutinised meal expenses,which reached $51,000 for Mr Hallett,and a 2015 Japan and Indonesia trip where nearly $20,000 was claimed by Mr Edman and Brian Ellis for what the CCC determined was primarily a personal trip.

Despite the report's shocking and specific details about former MPs engaging with strippers,Acting Corruption and Crime Commissioner Scott Ellis said the commission was more concerned about how taxpayer money was used.

"The investigation has uncovered stories of intimate relations,adult entertainment and other conduct that you or others may consider dubious. Our concern is about the proper use of taxpayer funds and whether electoral allowances and the way they are administered and managed creates an environment in which serious misconduct and corruption can thrive,"he said.

"We are concerned with serious misconduct,not immorality as such.

"The taxpayer has a right to expect better conduct from its elected representatives."

Mr Ellis said took particular aim at the seven-year employment of the woman in Mr Hallett's office.

"She was employed for seven years and it does not appear she did any real work during that period,she didn't open or send any email from her DPC account in that period,"he said.

"Her employment is out of step with the oversight accountability and transparency framework imposed on the rest of the public sector and less senior public offices."

The CCC report said the conduct of Mr Edman,Mr Hallett and Brian Ellis had a'damaging effect'on the investigation and claimed it had been impeded by"particular witnesses influencing evidence,destroying or withholding relevant records,intentionally,and materially flouting non-disclosure orders and giving false testimony during private examinations."

Taken during a dinner at C Restaurant which Mr Edman claimed $1340 for from electoral allowances.

Taken during a dinner at C Restaurant which Mr Edman claimed $1340 for from electoral allowances.Credit:CCC report

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