Ex-WA Labor adviser Stephen Kaless.

Ex-WA Labor adviser Stephen Kaless.Credit:Nine News Perth

It says the statement caused loss and damages to Mr Kaless.

The Supreme Court action also accuses Mr Wyatt and seven senior government people of “conspiring” against him. Mr Kaless is being represented by Hammond Legal.

Mr Kalesswas acquitted of indecent assault in August.

Magistrate Jennifer Hawkins said while the behaviour of Mr Kaless as someone in a senior government role was “concerning” on the evening in question,and footage of his actions appeared “highly suspicious”,she could not be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt the indecent assault had happened.

Mark McGowan.

Mark McGowan.Credit:Nine News Perth

“I do not convict on suspicion,” she said. “Viewing the evidence ... I am left with a doubt.“

Mr Kaless was awarded $17,000 in costs.

A state government spokesman said it was aware Mr Kaless had commenced an action in the Supreme Court involving the Premier and Treasurer.

“As the matter is before the courts,it is not appropriate to provide any comment,” he said.

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