The Turnbull government's policies helped lay the groundwork for the Trump administration's strategy.

The Turnbull government's policies helped lay the groundwork for the Trump administration's strategy.Credit:Bloomberg,Alex Ellinghausen

Dated February 2018,the strategy was previously classified"secret"and"not for foreign nationals".

It was supposed to be released in 2043 but instead was declassified by the Trump administration last week and released on Wednesday afternoon Australian time.

The 10-page document commits the US to being able to deny China sustained air and sea dominance inside the first island chain – which includes Kuril Islands,the Japanese Archipelago,the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan – in the event of a military conflict.


It says the US should"accelerate India's rise and capacity to serve as a net provider of security",create"a quadrilateral security framework with India,Japan,Australia,and the United States"and deepen"trilateral co-operation with Japan and Australia".

So why did a few senior officials in the Trump administration decide to release it?

One reason is that these officials clearly want to be recognised for the work they were doing in re-orienting American foreign policy over the past four years in an administration marked by chaos and disruption. While Trump himself was devoid of a strategy,his bluster and assertive rhetoric allowed these officials to develop an Indo-Pacific strategy that was more in line with countries such as Australia and Japan and recognised the existential threat of a rising China.


Secondly,they also want to encourage the incoming President,Joe Biden,to stay engaged in the Indo-Pacific and send a message to regional allies that there will be a strong degree of policy continuity.

Although this has been the most bitter and unusual transition in history,the one area where there has been dialogue between the Trump administration and the Biden camp is on national security. These Trump officials clearly hope the release of such a document will provide cover for the Biden administration to continue with the strategy.

It is notable how instrumental Australia was in the US devising this strategy. The Turnbull government's banning of Chinese vendors in the rollout of 5G and introduction of legislation to counter foreign interference were a major impetus. The Americans also took note of a report written by then-senior adviser John Garnaut on China's intelligence and interference operations in Australia.

While the strategy aims to maintain US"diplomatic,economic,and military preeminence"in the region,it calls for the US to"align our Indo-Pacific strategy with those of Australia,India and Japan".

Where Trump was most successful in following this strategy was the forging of deeper relationships with Australia,India and Japan and the reformation of the Quad alliance. This is where Malcolm Turnbull,Scott Morrison,Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi deserve a significant amount of credit.

It must be said that the US's pivot to the region and conception of the"Indo-Pacific"did not begin under Trump. And China's actions over the past four years – crackdowns in Hong Kong and Xinjiang,more artificial islands in the South China Sea and a border stoush with India – would have resulted in a more assertive posture from the US no matter who was president.


The Trump administration did get a lot right on China:calling out Beijing's currency manipulation and unfair trading practices;pushing back against the militarisation of the South China Sea;elevating critical technologies to the sphere of strategic competition;and the consolidation of the"Quad"alliance.

But its Indo-Pacific strategy was constantly derailed by the nativist instincts of Trump and some of those around him.

While the declassified document aims for"a strengthened Association of Southeast Asian Nations",Trump regularly snubbed ASEAN summits. Despite the document calling for the US to deepen its connections in the region,Trump withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and threatened to pull troops out of Japan and South Korea.

As Turnbull remarked on Wednesday,the document was a"very clear-eyed thoughtful statement of America's strategic priorities in the Indo-Pacific",but the strategy was"not always consistently followed through by President Trump who was a very erratic operator on the international stage".

So let's not pretend Australia and the Trump administration were always pursuing the same goal over the past four years.

Australia's Indo-Pacific strategy for a number of years has been aimed at transitioning to a multipolar region where Beijing is accommodated but counterbalanced by a number of regional powers including India,Indonesia,Japan and the US. Trump,and particularly his last Secretary of State,Mike Pompeo,often appeared to be pursing a misguided policy of maintaining US hegemony throughout the whole region.

The strategy outlined in this document is closer to Australia's foreign policy than Trump's. Australia is now hoping Biden follows the blueprint better than his predecessor.

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