Andrew Fifita training before Christmas.

Andrew Fifita training before Christmas.Credit:Sam Mooy

The St George Illawarra playmaker is now facing one to two matches on the sidelines,a penalty consistent with the three-match ban handed to Melbourne’s Nelson Asofa-Solomona for his Bali brawl,and South Sydney’s Cody Walker’s two matches following his Casino fight night.

Norman and Segeyaro later revealed the latter had been racially abused by four men,and one of them later threatened to produce a knife.

Fifita played with Segeyaro and had seen the video footage several times,and said on Thursday,“I’d hate to see the bloke try and do it to me”.

“Have you seen the video? He[Norman] got dog-shotted from the side when trying to pull them apart,” Fifita said.

“You have to cut them some slack. Corey was trying to get ‘Chicko’[Segeyaro] away from four people trying to jump on him.

“I’ve watched the video countless times. What is he supposed to do? Cop one on the cheek and walk away?

“You’re not doing that,especially when your best mate is about to get jumped.


“I said the same thing when Solomona[was in trouble],if one of my boys cops one,I’d feel like a coward[if I walked away]. You put your mates and brothers before anything in the world.

“I just hope they[the NRL] see it the way we all see it. For him to be punished for what happened ... if that was my mate and he ran away,I’d call him a coward for life.”

The Cronulla prop has dropped 15kgs,and plans to lose another 5kg.

The Cronulla prop has dropped 15kgs,and plans to lose another 5kg.Credit:Sam Mooy/SMH

The NRL are expected to reach a decision on Norman’s punishment next week.

Norman is due to play Fifita’s Cronulla in the first round.

Fifita,meanwhile,has dropped a staggering 15kg over the summer after ballooning to a record 137kg. He wants to play this season at 118kg,especially with fewer stoppages now making life difficult for the bigger men.

It was only after a conversation with his twin David,who plays in the Super League under the same rules – and someone who has now been struck down by COVID twice – it was agreed he needed to shed some weight.

Fifita hopes league fans will see the results of his hard work in next month’s Indigenous All Stars game.

“Hopefully I’m there and I can stamp my authority and show how the pre-season has been going for me,” he said

“I got to 137kg. That’s the heaviest[I’ve been]. We couldn’t leave the state,I did a lot of leg weights,which got me up to 130kg,then we travelled the north coast with no proper feeds,just fast food,which got me up.

“I went to my brother’s 30th,I jumped on the scales and then thought,‘this is unbelievable’.

“That’s when I grabbed my little brother[Kyle] and took off to Griffith and said,‘I need to lose weight’.

“We did boxing and I dropped eight kilos in four days.


“I did the[garbage bag] under the jumper and slugged it out for an hour every day. There was also a juice diet,I didn’t eat until night time. That was hard not to eat down there because the Italian food was amazing.

“I’ve dropped 15kg,I’ve got five to go. I want to get to about 118kg. I played at 128kg last year. It’s a bit different now.

“I went to Grifith the week before we came back[for pre-season]. I didn’t want to jump on the scales and show the boys I was a fat mess.”

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