Lawyers George Henri Beauthier,second right,and William Bourdon,right,representing the National Council of Resistance of Iran,speak with the media as they arrive at the courthouse in Antwerp,Belgium.

Lawyers George Henri Beauthier,second right,and William Bourdon,right,representing the National Council of Resistance of Iran,speak with the media as they arrive at the courthouse in Antwerp,Belgium.Credit:AP

Le Figaro said the Franco-Iranian was arrested in the desert flying a drone.

France’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Neither German nor Iranian officials were immediately reachable.


The arrests,if confirmed,would come at a sensitive time. The United States on Thursday signalled itwas ready to talk with Iran about how both nations could return to a 2015 agreement that aimed to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

In a joint statement,the United States,France,Britain and Germany also called on Iran to release all theirarbitrarily detained nationals.

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have arrested dozens of dual nationals in recent years,mostly on espionage charges.

Rights activists have accused Iran of arresting dual nationals to try to win concessions from other countries. Tehran denies it holds people for political reasons and has accused many of the foreigners in its jails of espionage.


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