Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital’s emergency department was running beyond capacity on Monday.

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital’s emergency department was running beyond capacity on Monday.Credit:Getty Images

Three ambulances ramped outside the department’s door were waiting to offload patients into the overcrowded emergency room,while at least another two sat on standby at the ambulance bay.

Inside the waiting room,where a crowd of people awaited urgent care,a doctor tasked with checking arrivals to the hospital for COVID-19 symptoms gave first aid to a tradie with an injured hand,who was bleeding on the floor in front of onlookers.

Meanwhile,a nurse walked around the room,handing painkillers to struggling patients who would likely need to wait for more than an hour to be seen by a triage nurse. It is not uncommon for clinical staff to administer simple analgesia in the waiting room.


WAtodayvisited the emergency department twice this week after it was revealed the hospital had been in a ‘code yellow’ – defined as being an internal emergency – for a number of days as it struggled to deal with the number of patients coming through the facility.

In the last week alone,St John Ambulance staff spent more than 130 hours – the equivalent to nearly 19 hours a day – ramped at SCGH,whichWAtodayunderstands is among the Perth hospitals worst impacted by the crisis.

At its peak on Monday afternoon,the hospital recorded 54 people in the ED – 44 is its capacity. The minimum time to see a triage nurse was 85 minutes,and nine ambulances were stationed outside.


Patients sat with their faces buried in their hands as they waited for medical care. Some were too sick to walk,others curled up on their seat.

A man whose wife was in so much pain she could not stand pleaded with hospital staff to be seen by a doctor after the estimated time to see a triage nurse displayed on a screen continued to blow out.

“We have been here for two and a half hours,” he said,visibly upset.

It would take another half an hour before they were ushered into the emergency room.

A day later,the emergency department was again operating beyond capacity,as an apologetic nurse at the only open check-in window told patients to expect long waits.

“I don’t know how long it’s going to be,” she told a couple from behind the glass.

“There’s not a lot of movement inside. It’s a long wait today.”

Ambulances wait outside of the emergency department at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

Ambulances wait outside of the emergency department at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.Credit:Marta Pascual Juanola

Around the corner,in a makeshift sitting area separated by a white screen,a nurse giving painkillers to a struggling patient promised help wasn’t too far off.

“As you may have seen on the news,unfortunately,it’s very horrible at the moment,” she said.

At the other end of the waiting room,a man whose wife needed urgent care said they arrived at the hospital at 10am but sat waiting to be called in for hours. At 2.40pm,after waiting for almost five hours,they received the help they needed and were able to return home.

“It was very busy but they are doing the best they can,” he said.

A North Metropolitan Health Service spokeswoman said the hospital’s ED and ambulance activity was busy but staff worked to discharge clinically ready patients as soon as possible to create capacity.

“Osborne Park Hospital is also being utilised to support SCGH with appropriate patients,with 14 additional beds opening last week,” she said.

“We encourage people who do not require emergency care to consider their GP to avoid a long wait in ED.”

Official figures by the Department of Health show Fiona Stanley Hospital,Joondalup Health Campus,King Edward Memorial Hospital and Rockingham General Hospital were also among the state’s busiest emergency departments on Tuesday.


A Joondalup Health Campus spokeswoman said the hospital’s emergency department,which can treat up to 72 patients,had been running beyond capacity,forcing ward staff had to discharge medically fit inpatients to free up beds.

At Fiona Stanley Hospital,more than 300 patients flocked to the emergency department on Monday alone;80 by ambulance. About 60 per cent of those were cared for within half an hour,the rest had to wait.

The hospital’s ED can cater to 54 adults and 15 children,while its waiting rooms have a capacity for 40 adults and 30 children.

The state’s health crisis has been bubbling away in the background for months,with doctors and nurses warning in December people needing urgent care were being left to wait in ambulances for hours outside of overcrowded emergency departments.

Ambulance ramping figures reached crisis levels in January,smashing through the 4000-hour mark for the first time after five consecutive record-setting months.

Health Minister Roger Cook refuted claims WA’s health system was in crisis,saying the pressure on hospitals was the result of a lack of GPs,greater demand for mental health services,difficulties hiring staff,delays in the National Disability Insurance Scheme and playing catch-up with elective surgeries cancelled during the COVID-19 lockdown.

In a press conference last week,Mr Cook claimed the lack of GPs lead to an increase in low priority presentations at emergency departments and that the issue was unable to be alleviated because GPs were not allowed to treat low priority patients in emergency.

But the Commonwealth health department rejected those claims, saying there was nothing to preclude GPs from being embedded in EDs.

“Under the National Health Reform Agreement,Western Australia can employ GPs to support the provision of public hospital services,” a spokesman said.

WA housing advocacy groups said a huge factor inWA’s hospital woes was the lack of social housing,with many WA patients unable to leave the hospital because they have no appropriate accommodation to be discharged to.

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