Thousands of AstraZeneca vaccines are sitting unused in federal government-run respiratory clinics.

Thousands of AstraZeneca vaccines are sitting unused in federal government-run respiratory clinics.Credit:Getty

As supply outstrips demand in the Commonwealth respiratory clinics,Sydney GPs say they are still waiting on their supplies of AstraZeneca vaccines to be able to inoculate more of their patients.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners vice-president Dr Bruce Willett said vaccine supplies for GPs are “patchy around the country” and “most GPs are saying they could be doing more”.

“Vaccine hesitancy is an issue but we are finding with most patients if they talk to their GPs about any concerns,they are much more likely to get vaccinated. People are keen to go ahead and have it with a doctor they know and trust,” Dr Willett said.


“We’d really like to see additional supplies running into GPs. Experience shows that’s where older patients feel most comfortable.”

Vaccination experts have warned Australia risks the possibility of never reaching herd immunity without an extensive strategy and advertising campaign afterpolling forThe Sydney Morning Herald found almost 30 per cent of adults are unlikely to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Lakemba Respiratory Clinic practice manager Tareq Saleh said he had not ordered any new AstraZeneca doses for more than three weeks as patient numbers dwindled after the blood clotting condition Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) was linked to the vaccine.


When their AstraZeneca rollout began on March 22 the practice was vaccinating 100 people a day. On Thursday 25 shots were given.

“Initially,I thought we’d be in short supply but I’ve now listed my mobile phone number on the clinic website to try and encourage people to call and book in,or even just walk in,” Mr Saleh said.

He said fears of blood clots,confusion about where to book,how to use the online booking system and complacency was driving the low uptake.

Ellie Peacock developed blood clots weeks after receiving her AstraZeneca dose.

Ellie Peacock developed blood clots weeks after receiving her AstraZeneca dose.Credit:Ellie Peacock/ Facebook

Australia has recorded 21 confirmed and three probable cases of Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine among the 2.1 million doses administered.


One TTS case,a 48-year-old NSW woman,has died. The other cases – 15 men and nine women aged between 18 and 87 years old – are recovering and stable,the Therapeutic Goods Administration reported on Thursday.

Ellie Peacock,18,a student nurse in Queensland,was among the four new confirmed cases in the TGA’s latest weekly report published on Thursday. Ms Peacockreceived her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 31,about a week before updated advice recommended people younger than 50 not receive AstraZeneca because of concerns over clotting.

Twenty-one TTS cases are at home and two are in hospital and responding to treatment.

Professor Sharon Lewin,one of Australia’s most respected infectious disease experts,on Thursday urged Australians not to put off getting AstraZeneca shots,saying doctors were now seeing milder cases of TTS linked to the vaccine.

“We know how to diagnose them and we know how to treat them,” she said. “We did not know that six weeks ago and that’s why we are seeing milder presentations now and there will be better patient outcomes.”


Dr Dong Hua said Fairfield and Campbelltown respiratory clinics were administering about 200-250 AstraZeneca shots over two days each week but had the staff to run five days a week and give at least 2000 doses.

“We’ve been sending flyers to local GPs letting them know we have availability and it definitely picked up again once people aged over 50 could be vaccinated,” Dr Hua said.

Wagga Wagga Respiratory Clinic administers about 300 AstraZeneca vaccines each week but has the capacity to do up to 1200. In Tamworth,the respiratory clinic has about 1000 vaccines in the refrigerators and is vaccinating about 160 people each week.

“We could do more than twice that,” Tamworth immunisation nurse Isobel Vivers said.

GP Brendon Wong,at Maxim Family Medical Practice in West Ryde,said there were at least 200 patients still on his waiting list for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“We have nurses and doctors ready to go. The demand is still high,we just need more doses,” he said.

One Hunters Hill GP practice has seen the supply of vaccines ramp up,with deliveries now at about 200 doses each week.

“But it’s frustrating,the constant flow of vaccines isn’t there,” said practice manager Katrina Arcus.


“Often we don’t know what we will be receiving and we never seem to know what is happening.”

PremierGladys Berejiklian announced on Thursday people aged in their 40s can now get their Pfizer vaccines at 25 new vaccination clinics across NSW,with the state likely to surpass its one-millionth dose yesterday. Another six clinics will open in June.

NSW has administered one-tenth of the doses needed to fully vaccinate 5 million people – the target Ms Berejiklian said would allow her to start having conversations about reopening international borders.

With Kate Aubusson

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