Sex work is being decriminalised in Victoria.

Sex work is being decriminalised in Victoria.Credit:Wayne Taylor

Sex workers have repeatedly called for an overhaul of the current legal framework claiming the system is complex and unnecessarily confusing,and leaves workers vulnerable to prosecution.

On Friday,the Andrews government announced it would begin a two-year legislative overhaul,starting with the removal of offences and criminal penalties for consensual sex work,with the aim of having it passed by Parliament by the end of the year.

As part of the industry shake-up,sex work will be regulated through existing government agencies and public health and anti-discrimination laws will be updated to support a decriminalised system. Labor will also work with local governments to update planning laws paving the way for the change.

Only sex work involving consenting adults will be decriminalised. Laws to protect children and workers from coercion and address other forms of non-consensual sex work will continue to be enforced by state and federal law agencies.

Consumer Affairs Minister Melissa Horne.

Consumer Affairs Minister Melissa Horne.Credit:Justin McManus

The state government said it hopes the changes,revealed byThe Agein June,will safeguard workers against exploitation,reduce stigma and improve access to health and justice services.

Consumer Affairs Minister Melissa Horne described it as an"important reform"that would ensure sex workers had the same rights and protections as other Victorian workers.


“A lot of the industry is operating outside the existing regulatory measures. What we need to make sure is that sex work is safe work and that people have the same rights and protections as any single other worker in Victoria,” she said.

“There is a position of stigma,and people who are working in this industry don’t necessarily feel they have the same protections as other workers to be able to come forward to report any sort of issues that may occur.”

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten has long advocated for the decriminalisation of sex work.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten has long advocated for the decriminalisation of sex work.Credit:Justin McManus

By decriminalising sex work,Victoria will join New Zealand,the Northern Territory and NSW where sex work was decriminalised in 1995.

Roger Sorrenti,a spokesman for Sex Work Law Reform Victoria,welcomed the move and said it would make Victoria a “world leader” once the changes came into effect.

“We want to make sure street-based sex work is decriminalised and the requirement for individual sex workers to register with the government is removed,” he said.

He urged the government to continue its consultation process so that the reforms provided the “maximum benefit” to workers.

The changes follow a 2019 review,led by Reason Party MP Fiona Patten,which recommended a full decriminalisation of the industry,including street-based sex work,and regulating it through the Occupational Health and Safety Act,with WorkSafe taking over from Victoria Police as regulator.

Following the announcement,Ms Patten described the proposed package as “fair” and “decent” reforms that would remove “a discriminatory law,not imposing a new law”.

“It simply extends to all sex workers the occupational health and safety,welfare and taxation coverage of any other employee,” she said.


“It is based on listening to sex workers,as well as legal and public policy experts. The collective view of all the sex worker groups was that decriminalising the industry was by far the best way to give them the best occupational health and safety outcomes.”

Ms Horne indicated the government would continue to consult stakeholders over the coming months before finalising draft legislation.

The proposal will require the support of at least three crossbench MPs in the upper house. Ms Patten,Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick and Greens leader Samantha Ratnam have given in-principle support.

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