China is deeply invested in the Pakistani port of Gwadar.

China is deeply invested in the Pakistani port of Gwadar.

Balochistan Liberation Army,a separatist militant organisation claimed responsibility for the attack.

“BLA carried out a ‘self-sacrificing’ attack against a convoy of Chinese engineers,” the group said in a statement.


China is involved in the development of the Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea as part of a $US60 billion ($84 billion) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor,which is itself part of China’s Belt and Road infrastructure project.

The Pakistan Interior Ministry said the bomber was a young boy who ran out of a nearby fishermen colony. The blast happened about 15-20 metres from the convoy.

“As a result a Chinese national was injured,he was rushed to nearby Gwadar hospital where he is stable”,the ministry said in a statement.


The four vehicles carrying Chinese nationals were escorted by army and police.

Pakistan was already undertaking a comprehensive review of security of Chinese nationals in the country,the ministry added.

In July,an attack on a bus in the north-western province of Khyber-Paktunkhwa killed 13 people,including nine Chinese workers. Two Pakistani soldiers were killed.


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