
Credit:Matt Golding

The French government is wondering if it can ever trust the Australian government. Quite a few Australians are wondering the same thing. Sad!Dick Barker,Epping

I can imagine a compliant Anthony Albanese being confronted by a raucous caucus demanding “Don’t york us,and don’t just walk us through AUKUS;talk us through AUKUS” so we don’t baulk as we try to quench the stench about why we benched the French.Ron Sinclair,Windradyne

Spending billions on nuclear war toys not available for 20 years! With Australia’s stubborn inaction on climate change and dangerous foreign policy decisions,how arrogant to assume we will even exist in 20 years.John Byrne,Randwick

I think the PM’s secrecy formula is about to morph from “an on-water matter” to “a below-water matter”. Even less transparent.Peter Rainey,Wollstonecraft

So,what is next? Morrison signs a watertight contract before the election and we pay unlimited billions to the US arms industry for a product delivered at some undetermined date for dubious benefit,as it may be obsolete by then. Meanwhile,we pay billions in compensation to the jilted French. Seems like we need to find some more robot debt savings from somewhere to balance the books. So glad the better economic managers are in charge.Peter Kamenyitzky,Castle Hill

Instead of wasting millions on submarines,the money would be better spent on aircraft. Better still,why not declare ourselves a neutral country and save the money?Ron Field,Bermagui


Perhaps Macron should have spoken to Malcolm Turnbull before accepting assurances from Scott Morrison?Dawn Comninos,Bronte

No advice needed on Porter,it was obvious he had to go

The Prime Minister’s claim that he is ready to take “hard decisions” regarding Christian Porter’s acceptance of an unspecified sum of money from an unknown source towards his legal costs was belied by what he did and,more importantly,didn’t do after Mr Porter revealed the “gift” last week (“Christian Porter resigns from frontbench”,smh.con.au,September 19). It was obviously wrong for Mr Porter to accept such a gift and expect to remain in the cabinet,so why did the Prime Minister ask the secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to adjudicate the issue? Did Mr Morrison believe that there were any circumstances where such gifts could be acceptableMaurice Critchley,Kenthurst

According to Mr Morrison,“...[Porter] has taken the decision which errs on the side of upholding the highest standards”. Really? Once again left to the minister,with no boundaries or standards set by the PM. I think “highest standards” and “Morrison government” are oxymoronic concepts.John Burman,Port Macquarie

So,what next for Porter – a diplomatic posting perhaps?Beatrice Scheepers,Leichhardt

Twice this year we have seen the PM refer important issues to his own department “for advice”,in the cases of Brittany Higgins and Christian Porter. Both should have taken 24 hours at most to sort out. Instead,the head of the department did goodness knows what. I think he should have a performance review.Ian Shepherd,Elizabeth Bay

Why did the Prime Minister need to seek legal advice on the matter of Christian Porter accepting an anonymous donation to help pay his legal bills when this behaviour was obviously unacceptable to our standards of accountability? This action would only have obfuscated the matter or worse,presented some weasel legal words designed to defend the indefensible.Leo Sorbello,West Ryde

Scott Morrison’s indecision about what to do about Christian Porter’s acceptance of an anonymous trust payment for his legal fees illustrated his inability to deal with troublesome issues. This Porter problem was not so easy to either pass on or to make go away by ignoring it,as he usually does. Yet,a PM who “believes strongly in ministerial standards” shouldn’t need any time at all to see that Porter had to go.Christine Perrott,Armidale

The PM was making inquiries on whether it would be OK for Christian Porter to stay in cabinet if he repaid the anonymous donation. The trouble was knowing who to repay it to.Charmain Brinks,Newcastle

MP’s ambition not a dirty word

Is Kristina Keneally ambitious (“Keneally’s relentless ambition damages Labor”,September 18-19)? Of course she is. The pertinent question in regard to any politician’s ambition is what they are ambitious to achieve and on whose behalf. Is Keneally relentless? I would hope so.
Politics is a tough game and the weak fall by the wayside. When did you last hear of a male politician damned in the media for his ambition? You can object to NSW Labor’s endorsement of Keneally in Fowler on a number of grounds – a woman’s ambition isn’t one of them.Amanda Lohrey,Falmouth (Tas)

I’ve noticed a difference in the Labor Party preselection battle in the seat of Fowler compared with the past. This time,many people from the party’s Left and Right back the anointed one,seeing her as someone who is an articulate and forceful speaker. However,within my circle of acquaintances and friends who are from an ethnic background and support Labor,there is a different perspective about Keneally. They are opposed to her being forced on to the western suburbs community at the expense of Tu Le,a local who lives and works within that area.
It seems that the mainly Anglo members of both the Right and Left still don’t seem to get it that cultural diversity within the party is required and the days of sending in a nice white Anglo articulate person to represent mostly multicultural areas are over. The ALP’s decision to place Keneally into Fowler is a mistake.Con Vaitsas,Ashbury

Not all views are equal

I am obviously missing something with your correspondents and journalists,not to mention the mayors in “hot spots”,all complaining about the unequal experience of COVID-19 (“So,fresh air is good for seaside folk but not LGAs of concern?” September 18-19) – for society is unequal,even in normal times. Marx tried to fix this problem in the 19th century and we all know how well that worked out. If Bondi Beach is within five kilometres of your small flat,why wouldn’t you go for a dip and a sunbake? As John Laws said back in the 1960s,society will never be equal because not everyone can have a house with a water view. Sad,but true.Lyndall Nelson,South Turramurra

Hold out for 90%

There is strong evidence that a 90 per cent vaccination rate before lifting restrictions significantly will make a huge difference in reducing COVID-19 deaths,cases of long COVID,and non-COVID suffering and deaths caused by overwhelmed hospitals (“Worst hit by outbreak,Fairfield shows signs of turning around”,September 18-19). It will also protect swathes of health workers from mental anguish. Ninety per cent can surely be quickly achieved given the flood of vaccines coming and the pent-up demand. Given rising deaths,now is the time to act more cautiously.Brewis Atkinson,Tyabb (Vic)

Square peg,round hole

Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello suggests Siena in Italy and its magnificent Piazza del Campo as a model for Sydney’s al fresco push (“Alfresco strategy to revive Sydney”,September 18-19) and claims lightheartedly (one hopes) that:“Even Piazza del Campo started with one bloke,a glass of wine and a good idea.” But the Campo was a town planning exercise by Siena’s 13th century governing Council of Nine. It remains original to this day – no added furniture – people happily stretched out on its medieval bricks sans alcohol. Restaurants line the edge but are hardly noticeable. Will NSW emulate,and keep Sydney’s large public spaces open?Linda Bergin,Millers Point

Sense of playground duty

I’m afraid I didn’t quite feel the same as your correspondent (Letters,September 18-19) in relation to playground duty when I was teaching. Indeed,when I moved to London in the late 1960s and discovered parents were paid to come and do such duties,I was absolutely elated. I actually had time to eat my lunch without suffering from indigestion,go to the toilet and even leave the school premises without fearing the weather would change and I had to race back. The playground supervisors even helped children dress for all weathers,which ensured children could go outside in the fresh air irrespective of the weather. Alas,on returning to teaching in Sydney,it was once more back to what here is considered the norm.Mary Lawson,Marrickville

Dementia-friendly support

Dementia Action Week,a time to focus on the needs of people living with dementia and their carers,begins today. In Australia,dementia is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause for women. About 436,000 people have dementia and 70 per cent of people with dementia live in the community. According to Dementia Australia,if no cure is found,1.1million people will have dementia by 2058. People with dementia have more physical health problems than others of the same age. They have more hospital admissions than other older people and have died disproportionately in the COVID-19 pandemic. Dementia-friendly communities promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with dementia and their carers so that they can live the best quality of life possible. Is your community dementia-friendly?Meg Pickup,Ballina

State status

We have an ideal new logo for NSW number plates (Postscript,September 18-19):the State of Disappointment.Col Shephard,Yamba

Top notch

Given Quade Cooper’s second magical performance,leading to another Wallabies victory over the Springboks,consult Tony Abbott about restoring imperial honours so we can award Cooper a knighthood.David Griffiths,Wollongong

Jingle hells

In suggesting Australians overseas might get home by Christmas (“Stranded could return for Christmas”,September 18-19),the NSW government avoided specifying which Christmas.Tim Parker,Balmain

A step forward

Perhaps now the French have withdrawn their ambassador,we have an opportunity to consider reclaiming La Perouse and changing the name back to Gooriwal,by which the Muruora-dial people knew the area before 1788.Brian O’Donnell,Burrado

Darkness shifting

An excellent idea from your correspondent (Letters,September 18-19) to identify Twitter users. After all,everyone knows trolls can’t survive in the light.Randi Svensen,Wyong

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday onsmh.com.au
Australia’s foreign policy is getting clumsy and arrogant
FromSmelly:″⁣I thought France was a modern Western democratic nation. A strategic partner in our region that would be a good ally against the up and coming superpower of China. To cancel an important mutual defense contract with them and to sign another long-term contract with the US and UK without telling them leaves us tactically devoid of modern subs for decades and alienates a key strategic allies in our region to boot. All for what appears to me a sabre rattle from Scotty,this is dangerous and puts short-term political communications over long-term national goals.″⁣

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