Nationals Cabinet minister Bridget McKenzie.

Nationals Cabinet minister Bridget McKenzie.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen.

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce and many of his MPs have said rural and regional economies must be protected from losses and they need to see a plan that maps out the costs before they endorse the move.

Nationals Senate leader Bridget McKenzie said on Friday that “we want to see the plan the government is taking to Glasgow”.


“We haven’t seen the detail,” Senator McKenzie told ABC radio. “We’ve been calling for it.”

Mr Morrison said on Friday he and Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce believe they have a workable plan to present to the Nationals and their constituents.

“The Deputy Prime Minister and I believe our plan will help them in their communities ... our plan will help them realise their future,” Mr Morrison said. “I know there’s a lot of international interests,but the interests I’m focusing on is that as Australians... what this plan will mean for them.”

Australia will face pressure from its allies including the UK and US to announce a more ambitious climate target ahead of the the COP26 summit.


Mr Morrison has said he would release a plan that detailed how Australia would reach net zero before committing to the pledge,and has stressed regional Australians would be reassured by any potential move.

“I will not be asking people in the regions of this country to carry the burden for the country alone,” Mr Morrison said in August.

He says the government will not impose taxes to achieve the goal,but will instead focus on low emissions technology.

But Mr Morrison would not reveal whether he will attend the COP summit,which he labelled “very important”,saying he would need to spend a fourth two-week period in quarantine if he went.

“That’s a long time for a prime minister to be in quarantine in a six month period. What matters is the commitments. What matters is the commitments that we will make. What matters is the policies that Australia will go forward for,” he said.

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan,who has said he is “deadset” against net zero commitments also highlighted the costings he expected to be released.

“There’s no modelling that I’ve seen,” Senator Canavan said on Thursday. “If you don’t know what something is going to cost don’t buy it”.

The UK,US and most other wealthy nations have committed to cut emissions by about 50 per cent or more by 2030 and to reach net zero by 2050 at the latest. Australia has not set a deadline to reach net zero,but is bound by its commitment under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 26 per cent by 2030.

Mr Morrison and his government warned of Labor’s “reckless” net zero commitment during the 2019 election campaign .

Labor’s proposed a policy to cut emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels,and to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

The government cited disputed figures from a report by economist Dr Brian Fisher,which claimed a 45 per cent cut by 2030 would cause Australia’s gross domestic product to fall by up to $542 billion.

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