Lisa De Vanna in action for Australia. She said she was subject to bullying during her Matildas career.

Lisa De Vanna in action for Australia. She said she was subject to bullying during her Matildas career.Credit:AP Photo

The landmark Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse gave sport its own section.In its final report in 2017,it said it had heard from 408 survivors and about 344 sport and recreation bodies across Australia. It noted that sports organisations sometimes were blinded by their missions.

“If sport and recreation institutions are driven by results and the pursuit of excellence,they may overlook potential harms in valuing coaches and instructors over the wellbeing of the child,” the report said.

The abuse of swimmers andfemalesoccer players graphically detailed in two media reports this week pre-date the royal commission. So do two earlier,damning reports this year on gross abuse ingymnastics andwomen’s hockey. Some are about children,some grown-ups,but they all stem from the same type of sport power structure.

Together,they may be the tail of a problem that you would hope is receding since the royal commission opened so many eyes and ears to atrocities.

Abuses in swimming have been highlighted this week.

Abuses in swimming have been highlighted this week.Credit:AP

But vigilance is one thing,reform is another. Sport must hearken to the experience of religious institutions,which were too dismissive of the need for genuine change,lost their standing,and won’t recover it any time soon.

“What breaks my heart,” said Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) chief David Sharpe at the release of the Human Rights Commission report into gymnastics in May,“is that we – Australia,and officials and administrators across the world,everyone – could allow children to be abused in sport,when sport is such a part of our culture.”


The royal commission heard that sports by and large lacked the will or wherewithal to address complaints about sexual abuse and bullying. Since,SIA has arisen,consolidating three integrity bodies and obliging sports to refer foul play of any kind for investigation. The days of sports “investigating” themselves are over.

Gymnastics was the subject of a damning report in 2021.

Gymnastics was the subject of a damning report in 2021.Credit:AP

In its first 12 months,600 matters involving 61 sports were reported to SIA,a volume that suggests sportspeople and bodies had previously been in despair. It’s usual in any sphere for the system to take time to catch up with cheats and abusers,so this week’s revelations sadden more than they surprise.

At least SIA has real clout. But it is new and still has its feet only half under the desk. It needs all sports,large and small,to re-write their policies and constitutions to fit a new National Integrity Framework,an immense task that began just six months ago.

Meanwhile,there are the rest of us.

“Although the primary responsibility for the abuse of a child lies with the abuser and the institution,” said the royal commission,“we cannot avoid the conclusion that the problems faced by many people who have been abused are the responsibility of our entire society. Society’s values and mechanisms which were available to regulate and control aberrant behaviour failed.”


In sport’s case,it may not be so much that they failed as that they have been overridden with everyone’s tacit consent.

It is easy to say abuse must stop. It’s harder to say why it keeps re-starting. But now is the time to get on the front foot.

It wouldn’t hurt to take a second look at the whole sports ecosystem,particularly at junior level:the premium on high achievement,the licence and autonomy given to coaches in particular,the status granted to high achievers before they are ready for it,and the way all tend to be dazzled by ends and blind to the means.

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