A baby cries as her mother receives her Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19,in Diepsloot Township near Johannesburg. A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in South Africa.

A baby cries as her mother receives her Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19,in Diepsloot Township near Johannesburg. A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in South Africa.Credit:AP

“Here is a mutation variant of serious concern,” Health Minister Joe Phaahla said at the same media event. “We were hopeful that we might have a longer break in between waves – possibly that it would hold off to late December or even next year January.”

Virologists have detected almost 100 cases linked to the variant in the country to date,said Anne von Gottberg,clinical microbiologist and head of respiratory diseases at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases.World Health Organisation officials have met to discuss the virus,which has also been detected in Botswana,according to a separate statement.

In Botswana – a neighbour of South Africa – the new variant has been detected in vaccinated people,Kereng Masupu,co-ordinator of the Presidential COVID-19 Task Force,said in a statement.

The British government announced that it was banning flights from South Africa and five other southern African countries effective at noon (1200GMT) on Friday,and that anyone who had recently arrived from those countries would be asked to take a coronavirus test.

B.1.1529 is likely to have evolved during a chronic infection of an immunocompromised person,possibly in an untreated HIV/AIDS patient,said Francois Balloux,director of the UCL Genetics Institute. The world’s biggest number of HIV cases has complicated South Africa’s efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic,as immunocompromised people can harbour the virus for longer,scientists say.

Slumping demand for COVID-19 vaccines in South Africa has worsened the outbreak there.

Slumping demand for COVID-19 vaccines in South Africa has worsened the outbreak there.Credit:AP

The findings come as several European countries battle a renewed surge in COVID-19 case numbers,with hospitals in someGerman cities starting to feel the strain. Governments are considering a fresh round of restrictions,largely against the unvaccinated,to try and curb the spread.


South Africa is currently on the lowest level of lockdown measures,though the new variant prompted the cabinet and coronavirus council to call a meeting for the weekend.

One key difference is that while European countries have broadly got vaccination levels to a healthy majority and have moved on to booster shots,only about 35 per cent of South African adults are fully inoculated. The health department has even asked Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer to hold off on new deliveries due to a slump in demand.


The rest of Africa is in an even worse position,with only 6.6 per cent of the continent’s population fully vaccinated,Africa CDC Director John Nkengasong said at a virtual briefing. The challenge of securing supplies has given way to a lack of demand,with about 45 per cent of the 403 million doses delivered to the continent yet to be administered,he said.

South Africa has started to see a renewed surge in COVID-19 case numbers,particularly in the most-populous province of Gauteng. There were 2465 infections recorded on Thursday,up from fewer than 900 two days previously,with the positivity rate – or the ratio between cases and tests – rising to 6.5 per cent.

Almost 2000 of the new cases were detected in the hub that includes Johannesburg and Pretoria.

While the government opted for a very strict lockdown at the start of the pandemic in March 2020,subsequent curbs have generally been driven by hospitalisation rates. A preferred tactic is to ban the sale of alcohol,as it spares health centres from the burden of drink-related accidents and fights.

The outbreak of the new variant is at an early stage and studies are ongoing,but officials “do expect,unfortunately,to start seeing pressure in the health care system in the next few days and weeks,” de Oliveira said.

Bloombergwith Nine

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