Education Minister Grace Grace said she expected the government to make a further announcement about mandates “fairly soon”.

Education Minister Grace Grace said she expected the government to make a further announcement about mandates “fairly soon”.Credit:Shutterstock

They will have to be double-dosed by January 23,in time for the start of the 2022 school term.

Announcing the change,Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the mandate would protect people who could not be vaccinated.

“We know that children under 12 cannot access the vaccination and we want to do everything we can to protect these young people,” she said.


Queensland recorded no new local cases overnight,with two cases detected in hotel quarantine.

Mandates for more industries and sectors were also under “active consideration”.

Schools will break for the summer holidays by December 10,before the state further eases domestic and international travel quarantine rules.


Education Minister Grace Grace said,without a mandate or surveys of staff,it was unclear how many of the workforce may be unvaccinated,but tens-of-thousands had received the jabs and only a “small percentage” were expected to push back.

All school and early childhood workers in the state,from teachers to other staff and volunteers,were prioritised for vaccines earlier this year. Ms Grace said it was also uncertain what impact any staff excluded for refusing the mandate may have on staffing levels.

Queensland Teachers’ Union president Cresta Richardson said the organisation would support a mandate if made by the Chief Health Officer backed by health advice.

“It’s not a sector-based virus and it doesn’t just stop at the gates of certain sites,” she said.

Health workers across the public and private sector,along with police,were required to be vaccinated,withongoing court fights from some opposed to doing so. Vaccination rates among both government cohorts are about or above 95 per cent.

Asked whether directions could be extended to universities,Ms Grace said while this was beyond her portfolio,mandates for tertiary education sites,TAFEs and “other areas of government employment” were also under active consideration.


The University of Queensland is already seeking feedback,open until Tuesday,about whether all staff,students and visitors should be vaccinated in time for orientation week in mid-February.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles also said extending mandates to other staffing groups,including the broader public sector,was also under discussion as vaccine rates continued to lift after the announcement of lockouts for unvaccinated people.

“We’ll obviously continue to monitor that,continue to take advice about what the most appropriate measures are,” he said.

In NSW and Victoria,COVID vaccinations are mandatory in schools including for any worker visiting government or non-government sites — including contractors. Many major universities have also mandated vaccines for staff and students in NSW,with a government-ordered mandate in Victoria.

Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath has said public health directions underpinning the rules barring unvaccinated patrons and staff from pubs,cafes and other venues would bepublished by December 10 at the latest.

The rules have raised questions among some in the business sector,fed nationwide protest movements against other state mandates and broader pandemic restrictions,and sparked large petitions to Queensland Parliament.

More than 150,000 people have now signed several still-open and tabled calls for other approaches and a rejection of people being “coerced” or facing “segregation”,while another has called for all MPs and political staff to be vaccinated to access Parliament House —a move also under consideration.

A total of 75.9 per cent of Queensland’s 16-plus population isnow fully vaccinated,with 86.1 per cent having received at least one dose.

- with Felicity Caldwell

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