Former WA MP Phil Edman.

Former WA MP Phil Edman.Credit:Radio 6PR

Mr Edman was the subject of a CCC report released in December 2019,which claimed he used his electoral allowance to visit strip clubs and pay for “sugar babies”.

The fight started when the CCC issued warrants to the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s then-director general Darren Foster seeking emails from former upper house members and their staff in April 2019.

Former upper house president Kate Doust,who has since been relegated to the backbench,said in a parliamentary report on the fiasco that a protocol was worked out with the CCC on how non-privileged material could be handed over,but then claimed commissioner John McKechnie reneged on the deal and tried to negotiate with Attorney-General John Quigley instead.


Mr Foster handed over the email materials to the CCC,despite protests from the upper house,in July 2019,and Mr Edman’s home was raided and the laptop and two hard drives seized a month later.

Another month on in September,and the Attorney-General launched Supreme Court action against Ms Doust and the upper house clerk Nigel Pratt against an order by the upper house preventing the clerk handing material to the CCC,while she simultaneously started a case against the CCC seeking a declaration the watchdog’s notices to produce were invalid.

Mr McKechnie also handed in the laptop and hard drives,assuming he would be ordered to do so by the upper house.


The CCC then released the December report,where the watchdog claimed Mr Edman was concerned it had access to his laptop not because of parliamentary privilege,but because it may portray members in an unflattering light.

Intercepts included in the report say Mr Edman told another former MP it was good the upper house and Ms Doust had the computer.

“I think once she gets the laptop she should probably chuck it in the Swan River is probably what she should be doing … You always have a little s--- file in case you need it on people that f---ing piss you off,” it says.

In another extract to a businessman,the report says Mr Edman told him “there’s enough stuff on that f---ing computer to bury f---ing a lot of people and ruin their political careers forever … There’s videos and pictures and lots of lovely little collections that I’ve got on there”.

Mr McKechnie’s term as commissioner came to an end in April last year,but the parliamentary committee to appoint him — which included two Labor members,a Green and a Liberal — could not come to a decision to renew his job.

The committee membership was changed around to include two Labor members,a National and a different Liberal,but no decision could be reached,prompting the government to use its majority in both houses to pass legislation bringing back the corruption fighter.


Supreme Court Justice Stephen Hall ruled in July,in relation to Ms Doust’s action,that while most of the material the CCC was after could not be considered privileged,it was up to Parliament to decide what should be handed in.

He suggested there should be memorandum of understanding set up to overcome the dispute and future challenges.

Two MOUs were enacted last week between Parliament with WA Police and the CCC,while Mr Quigley withdrew his Supreme Court challenge.

The new president of the upper house,Alanna Clohesy,said on Tuesday a review of the evidence sought by the CCC had seen determinations reached on about 500,000 items.

She said the upper house’s privileges committee was now working with the commission’s digital forensic staff to produce electronic copies of non-privileged material by the end of the week.

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