Immigration Minister Alex Hawke is a key factional ally of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke is a key factional ally of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Matthew Camenzuli,from the hard right faction,successfully challenged legal advice obtained by the party which suggested NSW Liberal officials including president Philip Ruddock would cease to hold office after February 28 due to a failure to hold an annual general meeting.

Mr Morrison and the federal Liberal Party had given the NSW division until Monday to “rectify” the legal situation and also preselect candidates for three seats currently held by sitting Liberal MPs,including Mr Morrison’s close ally,Immigration Minister Alex Hawke.

But on Friday the NSW Supreme Court upheld Mr Camenzuli’s challenge,overruling the legal advice obtained by the party and declaring members of the state executive could remain in office under the party’s constitution.

Despite the party’s failure to hold an AGM by the expected date,“no member of the state executive ceases to hold office as such by reason only of that circumstance”,ruled Julie Ward,the chief judge in equity.

The state executive is responsible for running preselections in federal seats in NSW. Mr Hawke is Mr Morrison’s representative on the committee.

Friday’s ruling does not prevent a federal takeover of the NSW division,but will put pressure on party officials to cast aside their factional warfare and endorse the three sitting MPs - Mr Hawke,Sussan Ley and Trent Zimmerman - and select candidates quickly in six other seats.

All the seats are ordinarily winnable for the Liberal Party,including Hughes (held by turncoat MP Craig Kelly),Bennelong (where Liberal John Alexander is retiring),Warringah and Eden-Monaro.


NSW Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells,a factional ally of Mr Camenzuli,emailed party members on Friday evening to celebrate the victory and praise Mr Camenzuli for his “courage”.

“We now have certainty. There is no need or basis for any federal intervention,” she said. “Those seeking to impede democracy in the party should get out of the way and respect the important role that the membership is entitled to in selecting their candidates.”

Many NSW Liberals believe Mr Hawke and Mr Morrison deliberately frustrated the preselection process in order to run down the clock and justify a federal intervention,through which they could directly appoint candidates ahead of the election,expected in May.

“The judgment does nothing to break the impasse on state executive,” said one member. “Mr Camenzuli has essentially won nothing more than a stay of execution,but the feds can choose to intervene at any time,and why wouldn’t they?

“We need candidates in the field immediately and[this] wrecking ball is not getting us any closer to that point ... any blame game can occur after the election.”

Justice Ward found “with some hesitation” that the party’s constitution meant “if an AGM does not occur then the event on which the termination of office will happen has not arisen and the elected office-bearer continues in office until such time as an AGM is held”.

Despite being named as the first defendant,Mr Hawke did not participate in the proceedings and in his absence the court-appointed a barrister,Nicholas Bender,to act as amicus curiae. And despite being named as the second defendant,Mr Ruddock actually wanted Mr Camenzuli to win the case,Mr Ruddock’s barrister Robert Newlinds told the court.


Mr Ruddock emailed party members on Friday evening promising:“Now that the judge - despite a degree of hesitation - has provided us with clarity,the state executive can continue operating on behalf of our members and collaboratively prepare to campaign for the re-election of the Morrison government.”

At Thursday’s hearing,the court heard the NSW Liberal Party had an AGM booking on hold at the International Convention Centre,but the ICC cancelled it as the Liberals would not confirm the booking due to the uncertainty of when state byelections would be held.

During the hearing,a member of the Liberal Party state executive,country representative Mark Croxford,was seen shirtless on the Supreme Court live stream,wrongly believing his camera was turned off. It is understood the Kiama-based official was preparing for a surf.

Mr Camenzuli was represented by Scott Robertson,the barrister who acted as counsel assisting the Independent Commission Against Corruption in its inquiry into former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian,which is yet to make findings.

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