
Credit:Cathy Wilcox

Such wisdom for Ash Barty to go while the going is good and give herself time to bask in the sun of her achievements (“Barty’s over:tennis ace retires”,March 24). A pity some of her wisdom does not rub off on our band of pollies,who are looking ever more grimaced and desperate as they look to the next election and start their barnacle-like grip on any position of power they can muster.Brian Thornton,Stanmore

I am both sad and glad to hear Ash is retiring. It is one of those news items that you think should happen next decade but here it is. I am sad because the world is losing one of the great players. She always played positively and in good humour. The gladness is that she was able to chose to retire as world No.1. There will be no slow decline as age and injury catch up with her;she will always be remembered as a champion. Maybe she could return to cricket. She has a great future in so many areas and will surely continue to be a role model for so many people.Dennis Fitzgerald,Box Hill (Vic)

I stopped watching professional women’s tennis tournaments when the screamers of the game were able to legitimise cheating. Ash is the epitome of class. Not only an outstanding player and human being,she won through skill alone,never resorting to the screaming serve to put off her opponents. Thank you for being a champion.Jacinta McManus,Rozelle


Credit:John Shakespeare

You are only as good as your last match. Ash Barty’s was pretty good. It has been a pleasure to have you as our champion,and you leave with us wanting more – great timing,as ever. Thank you,Ash.Jo Rainbow,Orange

In his final television interview last month,Shane Warne was asked about the timing of his retirement. He said:“It’s always better people say ‘why are you?’ rather than ‘why don’t you?’ about your retirement. And I think there’s a few sportsmen out there,there’s been a few cricketers too,that probably just hang on a bit too long. I think it’s better to always go out on top.” By that measure at least,Ash Barty has nailed it.Tim Wilson,Lapstone

Congratulations,Ash Barty. You have achieved all your dreams in tennis and your capacity to leave when you’re at the peak of your career is a testament to your extraordinary character. I look forward to following you in the future. Grace,dignity,humility,generosity,love and compassion are your trademarks – just what we need in this time of great challenge. Thank you.Renee Koonin,Vincentia

Let’s not forget the excellent parenting skills Ash Barty’s mum and dad must have to raise such a great person. Maybe they should write a book.Ruth Dickman,Pymble

As time unfolds I would love to see Ash as a future president of the Republic of Australia. As an Indigenous woman,as a sports superstar,as a well-balanced,all round humble human being,who is self-aware,what better role model? I think we would have a very astute person who could speak to Australians with an unbiased voice that could reach effectively across any “divide”. I wonder if she would accept?Jenny Lyle,Collaroy


Lack of leadership shown over Kitching tragedy

The thoughtful article from Niki Savva (″⁣Kitching saga no place for PM″⁣,March 24) reminds us politics is a tough game and quotes Russell Broadbent declaring ″⁣politics breaks people’s hearts. It doesn’t stop their hearts from beating″⁣. Savva’s report puts the whole Kitching saga into perspective and urges the PM to concentrate on more critical issues facing us than on Labor’s mishandling of an internal brawl.Denis Suttling,Newport Beach

Senator Kitching’s death has exposed the leadership weaknesses on both sides of the political divide. Anthony Albanese looked impotent under pressure and this would have concerned possible swinging voters. Scott Morrison ignored any semblance of non-partisan politics to aggressively pursue another political agenda. Neither leader showed leadership,indicating the election is shaping as a battle between two leaders who don’t inspire confidence.Max Redmayne,Drummoyne

For once,I believe Niki Savva has misinterpreted Scott Morrison. While Morrison’s response to Kitching’s death was typically unseemly and opportunistic,it may well have achieved what he wanted. People and the media are not talking about his multitudinous errors in the flood response,vaccinations,debt management,Ukraine response,NSW pre-selections and his own deplorable record of controlling bullying in the Liberal Party. His main asset is rat cunning and he has played this sad issue to his advantage.Ross Hudson,Mount Martha (Vic)

Savva,with her impeccable forensic and analytical skills,highlights how Morrison once again has shown no regard for the appropriateness and full truth of an issue he uses to advance his agenda,his marketing background again coming to the fore.Louise Dolan,Birchgrove

Morrison is indebted to Bill Shorten. One reason for his surprise 2019 election win was Shorten was never accepted by the electorate. Since his defeat,Shorten has never given Anthony Albanese unequivocal support. Ironic,then,that the havoc Shorten has wrought within Labor over the Kitching affair has given the opportunistic PM yet another chance to make a vacillating Albanese look weak.Ron Sinclair,Windradyne

Scott Morrison:“Look over here,over there,over anywhere. It’s bright and shiny,it’s Kimberley Kitching,it’s Albo’s weight loss. Don’t look over there at failing aged care,lack of climate action,environmental destruction,cost-of-living increases,flood damage,rorts scandals. Quick,look back here,it’s bright and shiny!”Judy Hungerford,North Curl Curl

Anxiety for future a sign of sanity

Professor Patrick McGorry (“We can lift the pall over young Australians”,March 24) tells us that the mental health of young people is declining due to “insecure working conditions and career paths,housing and higher eduction costs,climate change” and other social conditions. The suggested cure is better mental health treatment. To be worried about these issues seems to me a sign of sanity rather than mental ill-health. It’s not only young people either. I am 77 and I’m distressed about climate change. I don’t need a psychologist,I need to see action.Rae Litting,Glenhaven

We can lift the pall over young Australians but not by being too inward looking. One huge blow from the pandemic was virtually stopping all overseas travel,a traditional rite of passage. No gap years,overseas working or ski trips,study,reconnecting with family and culture in country of origin,etc. This was never just the preserve of the wealthy or privileged – young Australians backpackers were like migratory birds of passage. It will come back,though some may have missed their chance. We should encourage all of them to jump at every opportunity to travel,once all borders are open and restrictions ease.Margaret Johnston,Paddington

Empty promises

Another Big Announcement from the federal government (“Budget to promise increase in real wages”,March 24). A “promise” of real wage increases in the imminent budget. Have the government’s mates in big business agreed to this? Is it a “core” or “non-core” promise? Does it have the same status as Morrison’s previous election promises,such as the commitment to establish a federal integrity commission? Community scepticism runs high about any politician’s promises,especially before an election.Rob Phillips,North Epping

Promises,promises. The budget will say that wages will increase,so that will definitely happen. Or that is what the government hopes that people will believe. Never mind that budgetary forecasts have been notoriously wrong – remember the prediction that we will be “back in black”? Or that the government isn’t doing anything to bring it about (apart from crossing its fingers). Predictions aren’t reality now.David Rush,Lawson

Thanks to your correspondent (Letters,March 24) for reminding people to watch next week’s budget for the $10 billion in fossil fuel subsidies,which could be better spent on those suffering from “unnatural disasters”. Voters should also remember the $20 billion JobKeeper overpayments the Morrison-Joyce government failed to claw back from companies. This huge amount should be etched on every voter’s mind and now used as the yardstick to judge every announcement by this government.Rob Firth,Cremorne Point

Dearth of diversity

It looks as if the ALP will yet again parachute an outsider into a multicultural electorate (“Parramatta has ample local talent to vote for”,March 24). The ALP has only two candidates of Asian background in NSW,Zhi Soon in Banks and Sally Sitou in Reid and even fewer in other states. The Liberal Party is just as exclusive,apart from Dave Sharma in Wentworth and Gladys Liu in Chisholm in Victoria,it has no candidates of Asian background in winnable seats. The lack of interest in multicultural electorates is demonstrated by both major parties being yet to select candidates for the multicultural electorates of Bennelong and Parramatta weeks out from
an election.Genevieve Kang,Glebe

Law of democracy

“What passes as standard craziness when coming from the loopy right fringe parties cannot be tolerated when it comes from a governing party member,” writes your correspondent (Letters,March 24). I beg to differ. In a democracy,even if it is what he says it is,it can be and must be.Ross Drynan,Lindfield

Know your names

I accept it when people don’t get my first name right (Letters,March 24),often I receive letters addressed to Brain Roach. I suppose it could be an acknowledgement of my academic achievement. What annoys me is when my family name is used in a derogatory manner (as more than one high school student learned during my teaching days). My youngest brother was always known as “Cocky” when he was in the navy. Has your correspondent considered that often a “corruption” of names is also a form of acceptance and even endearment?Brian Roach,Whitebridge

My memories of an otherwise unremarkable science teacher in year 11 ensured I would forever try to pronounce people’s names correctly. At the time,the first overseas students were arriving in Australia to complete their senior high school years and gain entry to a university. When one girl provided her Chinese name – which I can still vividly recall – the teacher declared,“I can’t pronounce that! I’m going to call you Anna Marie.” Fourteen young ladies’ mouths fell open in disbelief,but that is exactly what she did for the rest of our schooling.Ruth Ratner,Northbridge

My surname is Field but it is amazing how often people add an “s” at the end. I tell people I will zap them if they call me Fields. Even when I was born the nurse put my name as Baby Fields on the tag of my leg (I still have the tag). In my life as a paymaster I had to be spot on for a person’s name. Couldn’t pay Field for Feild or Fields.Ron Field,Bermagui

Song of prophesy

Cathy Wilcox’s cartoon (Letters,March 24) with the Four Horsemen of the Climate Apocalypse references the Old Testament but also Bob Dylan’s All Along The Watchtower song. Dylan’s message includes “So let us not talk falsely now,the hour is getting late”. Very prophetic for our climate crisis.Evan Bailey,Glebe

Future shock

Current state government planning indicates that in 100 years (Letters,March 24) there will be a casino with tolls taking up the northbound rail line of the Harbour Bridge.Tony Doyle,Fairy Meadow

Flowers gone

Your correspondent (Letters,March 24) who planted the birdwing vine is onto a reason for Sydney’s lack of butterflies. Colourful flowers,which attract butterflies,have gone out of fashion and their caterpillars need green leaves to eat. Sadly,the spiky plants in fashion these days,and paving,don’t fill this need.Sue Adams,Dulwich Hill

Trash talk

Our rubbish bins (Letters,March 24) sport a Greens-supplied Keep Local Councils Local sticker,a Slow Down in my Street decal (courtesy of Labor) and a Water,Not Coal message. I now await garbage day with trepidation.James Deli,Oatley

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday onsmh.com.au
Budget to upgrade wages forecast after worst year since 2000
FromMelB:″⁣Frydenberg can write about wage increases all he likes in a budget,but until the LNP cease structural changes that benefit employers at the expense of employees,it will be just that;writing on a piece of paper. How about actually paying people more in government and requiring business to employ local people at local rates of pay.″⁣

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