Treasurer Josh Frydenberg during the budget speech on Tuesday night.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg during the budget speech on Tuesday night.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

And clap if you believe that this is a “responsible” government delivering good budget management,as it tells us repeatedly. This government has,so far,delivered by far the biggest load of debt – in dollar terms but also as a proportion of the economy – in modern history.

Josh Frydenberg told Parliament that he was “ending economy wide emergency support” as the COVID crisis fades.

But now there is a new crisis. Not the political crisis of an unpopular government desperately searching for votes,but a “cost of living” emergency.

A one-off spike in consumer prices requires a series of one-off payments and tax breaks between April and July,according to the government.

But that makes no sense. Because prices aren’t going to fall again after a few months. They’re going to keep rising. The budget itself forecasts inflation rising by 4.25 per cent this financial year and another 3 the year after.

So,if pensioners,veterans and other welfare recipients need a bonus $250 next month,surely they’ll need it in the following month and every month thereafter.


But no. They’re not going to get it,says the government. It’s strictly one-off.

Same goes for the promised “cost of living” tax offset,another one-off,worth $420 to some 10 million income earners,which takes effect from July 1.

And clap if you believe that it’s a good idea for the government to cut petrol excise for six months. Because just last month Prime Minister Scott Morrison himself told us it wasn’t.

“The movement in oil prices quickly overwhelms any sort of movement[in petrol excise],” he said on February 24. “So people make these points politically,but governments,I think,have to look at these things in the bigger context.”

Such as the trading range of crude oil prices. The price of crude has swung through a range of 128 per cent in the past 52 weeks,between $US57 a barrel and $US130. Morrison was exactly right.


And his deputy,Barnaby Joyce,for weeks told us that cutting the petrol excise would only cut government revenue and leave no lasting benefit.

After falling by 22 cents today,the excise will go up by 22 cents in six months. There will be nothing to show for it. Only the $2.9 billion cost to the revenue will remain in the form of a bigger deficit.

So,surely this is all just junk politics,a crass attempt to buy voters’ favour? Not if you believe the government,which claims a genuine empathy for struggling families. It may be a short-lived,one-off empathy,but empathy nonetheless. Clap if you believe.

The Howard-Costello government bequeathed Australia the tremendous gift of no debt and no deficit. On the contrary,it left the nation in surplus.


By the end of the Rudd-Gillard years and the global financial crisis,net federal debt amounted to the equivalent of 13 per cent of GDP. By the time the pandemic hit,the Abbott and Turnbull and Morrison governments had blown this out to 19 per cent of GDP.

The budget takes this to 31 per cent of GDP. And,with deficits stretching ahead as far as the eye can see,this will continue to mount. By the end of the forward estimates,this budget projects the net federal debt to be 33.1 per cent of GDP.

No other government,including all the Labor ones,even comes close. This is almost double the next biggest debt burden that the Commonwealth has carried since 1970,as a proportion of GDP.

This isn’t an abstract. Debt must be serviced. Taxpayers must pay interest on it. This year the interest bill on federal debt is $15 billion,according to the budget papers. At the end of the forward estimates,in four years’ time,it’s projected to be $22.3 billion a year.

The “debt doesn’t matter” crowd overlooks this detail. Those are billions that could be spent on defence,or hospitals. Instead they go to bond holders,mostly foreign investors.

This is not the Liberal Party that claims to keep the country living within its means. This is not the party of Peter Costello and John Howard. The Morrison-Frydenberg debt load makes the Labor governments of the past look like Scrooge.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg at a press conference before the budget was released.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg at a press conference before the budget was released.Credit:James Brickwood

This leaves the country exposed to the turn in the global economic cycle. The developed world has just experienced the lowest interest rates in at least 5000 years,according to the Bank of England’s research. Money has been,for practical purposes,pretty much free. Today the Reserve Bank’s policy rate stands at just 0.1 per cent.

But inflation has revived,and rates are rising to meet it. The cost of servicing Australia’s national debt will rise accordingly. Financial markets are anticipating that the Reserve Bank rate will be approaching 2 per cent by the end of this year,for example.


“Only the Coalition can responsibly manage the budget and strengthen our nation’s finances,” Frydenberg told the Parliament. Clap if you believe.

If you don’t believe,you find yourself living in what the former Treasury budget examiner Stephen Anthony of the consultancy Macroeconomics calls the “roach motel”.

The “roach motel” of a big,unchecked,structural federal deficit of about $40 billion a year.

But perhaps magic is real. The Morrison government seems to think so. Because earlier unpopular governments have tried to buy voters’ favour with last-minute cash handouts. And it hasn’t worked.

The Howard government,facing electoral annihilation,made a great splurge in its final budget. It was annihilated anyway. When time’s up,it’s up. The Morrison government,by putting its faith in the power of the last-minute handout,is showing that it believes.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news,views and expert analysis.Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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