E.ON chief operating officer Patrick Lammers signs the hydrogen deal in Berlin with Fortescue boss Andrew Forrest.

E.ON chief operating officer Patrick Lammers signs the hydrogen deal in Berlin with Fortescue boss Andrew Forrest.

But after entering a brief trading halt,Fortescue issued a statement to the ASX stating the $50 billion figure was a “high-level assessment by the chairman of what such a major project may cost” and “Fortescue clarifies that there is no commitment to this expenditure and all such final investment decisions will be at the sole discretion of the Fortescue board”.

Fortescue Future Industries is a green energy subsidiary of Fortescue Metals,which mines iron ore. Fortescue has committed to invest 10 per cent of its profits into FFI,estimated to be $US1 billion this year. Since it was set up,the subsidiary has announced a string of ambitious green energy projects,and it plans to deploy money alongside other investors.

“We are working closely with banks,institutional investors,multilaterals and export credit agencies,globally,as they confirm their commitment to supporting project funding for green energy. They are actively seeking to invest and commit the capital required to scale green energy projects and help steer companies along Paris-aligned net-zero pathways,” it said in the ASX statement.

Fortescue shares were slightly higher at $19.87 in mid-afternoon trading.

The deal comes at a critical juncture for energy policy in Europe. European nations,which currently import about a third of their natural gas from Russia,are facing calls to drastically reduce dependence on Moscow’s energy exports in response to its invasion of Ukraine.

Germany,in particular,has faced fierce criticism from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for being theworld’s largest importer of Russian gas. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has vowed to become independent of Russian supplies by 2024,but last week warned doing it too fast would mean plunging all of Europe into recession.

The goal is to produce hydrogen in Australia using wind and solar power and begin shipping it to Europe to be distributed through EON’s pipelines. Deliveries would begin in 2024 and build up to a volume of five million tonnes of hydrogen a year by 2030 - equal to about a third of the energy Germany imports from Russia.


Green hydrogen is produced using electricity from renewable energy but is not yet a commercially viable alternative to natural gas. It is regarded as the only long-term prospect to achieve global climate targets,however it remains considerably more expensive to produce than brown or blue hydrogen,which is made with fossil fuels. It is also highly flammable,which creates major logistical and infrastructure challenges to its transportation.

Fortescue Metals’ Andrew Forrest is a great champion of green hydrogen.

Fortescue Metals’ Andrew Forrest is a great champion of green hydrogen.Credit:Edwina Pickles

Under the deal the fuel would initially be shipped as liquid ammonia,which is easier to store and transport,before being converted to hydrogen once it reaches European industrial zones,according to Dr Forrest.

The EON deal would deliver one third of Fortescue’s ambitious plans to produce 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen within eight years.

Flanked by German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck and EON chief executive Leo Birnbaum,Dr Forrest said the deal would reduce fossil fuel consumption dramatically in Germany and quickly help substitute Russian energy supply.


“This is a cohesive and urgently needed part of the green industrial revolution underway here in Europe,” he said.

“When the tanks rolled over the border... everything changed. You have to forgive those leaders who jumped to a fossil fuel solution,but in the end they have empowered Putin.

“What we need to do is replace Putin,and green hydrogen is the Putin solution for Europe.”

The Australian and German governments entered a Hydrogen Accord last year,pledged taxpayers’ money towards a series of new projects to accelerate the development of industry in the hope of creating new economic opportunities and jobs while reducing emissions.


Europe has targeted hydrogen as a potential source of power to run factories in the future. Dr Forrest’s company announced a research and development agreementwith aviation giant Airbus earlier this month to test hydrogen fuel cells as a potential way to power airplanes.

Mr Habeck,a Greens MP in the newly established coalition government,recently labelled Germany’s massive consumption of Russian energy a “geopolitical mistake”,and warned Europe’s biggest economy that it needed to find energy security or it would become “a pawn” in Russia’s game.

He said the race for large-scale production and transportation of green hydrogen had taken off.

“The agreement between EON and FFI is a major step forward and puts them in a pole position for the delivery of green hydrogen to German industry.”


Environment groups have praised Dr Forrest’s efforts in agreeing to billions of dollars of green hydrogen supply deals,however critics have questioned how realistic they are when he is yet to start commercial production of the zero-emission fuel. Forrest expects the company to produce its first green hydrogen in Tasmania by 2024.

Mr Birnbaum said agreement was building for a “hydrogen bridge” from Australia to Germany and the Netherlands,to driving forward the green energy transition.

“Renewable GH2 is a key element to achieving this task,while at the same time contributing to a secure and affordable future energy supply.”

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The original version of this story and headline have been updated to reflect Fortescue’s statement to the ASX

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