Wesfarmers boss Rob Scott lauded Catch’s startup culture as a boon to the conglomerate.

Wesfarmers boss Rob Scott lauded Catch’s startup culture as a boon to the conglomerate.Credit:Philip Gostelow

Three years and one pandemic later,Catch’s growth story is looking more like a saga. Since its purchase,the business reported an inaugural full-year profit of just $1 million in 2020,before posting a $46 million loss in 2021 and a $44 million loss in the first half of fiscal 2022. And though the business’ revenue started strong,in the last half it fell by 4.3 per cent.

Last week,Wesfarmers announced Catch’s managing director - former Amazon executive Pete Sauerborn - would depart and the business would be moved out of its Kmart division into a new data and digital arm called OneDigital.

From the outside,it appears Wesfarmers is moving to restructure and hopefully stem its losses at Catch. But a key question remains:why,during a period whenonline shopping has seen rampant growth,is a business like Catch struggling at all?


The answer,according to some familiar with the business beforeWesfarmers’ purchase, is an erosion of the very start-up culture lauded by Scott. Like many start-ups,Catch was tightly focused on costs and ran as a very lean business - a stance inherently at odd with a heavily corporatised,governance-focused conglomerate such as Wesfarmers.

Following the purchase,a steady stream of new managers and consultants were brought in to help run the business and manage its new requirements as an entity of one of Australia’s largest listed businesses. These new hires,all on respectable salaries,rapidly increased Catch’s headcount and its costs,eating away at the business’ bottom line.

It was also,reportedly,difficult to get Wesfarmers’ different divisions - the operations of which are famously kept very separate to each other - to come to the table to discuss how Catch could benefit the broader group,something that the conglomerate may now have acknowledged with the move to put Catch under OneDigital.


Ben Gilbert,a veteran retail analyst with investment bank Jarden,told The Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald he believes one of the main challenges for Catch was pivoting the business away from its ‘deal-of-the-day’ focus and toward Wesfarmers’ goal of it being an all-around marketplace,which could sit hand-in-hand with its similarly placed Kmart and Target department stores.

“If you look at the key ingredients for a successful marketplace,both here and offshore,its range,its price,and its delivery,” Gilbert says. “Catch’s challenge is that it hasn’t been able to push its range quite as aggressively as it’s needed to,so it hasn’t been front of mind in consumers’ heads when they go to buy their next widget.”

The rise of ecommerce giant Amazon in Australia has also stymied growth at Catch.

The rise of ecommerce giant Amazon in Australia has also stymied growth at Catch.Credit:Elke Meitzel

Gilbert also notes Wesfarmers has spent a significant amount of money on online marketing for Catch in an attempt to better scale the business,which so far hasn’t translated into revenue or profit growth.

And alongside the operational challenges lies the broader issue of competition. With the online retail space heating up during COVID,competitors such as Kogan,eBay and Amazon have all gained ground,each fighting for customer attention and their dollars,stunting Catch’s growth efforts.

Gilbert backs the company’s choice to move Catch out of the Kmart Group and into the data and digital division,saying it opens the door for Catch to better leverage the strength of the rest of Wesfarmers’ retail brands and potentially position the business to act as the overarching online marketplace selling goods from all of the conglomerate’s flagship brands.

“Wesfarmers arguably needs a marketplace that sits above all of its brands,where it can still maintain brand integrity with a Bunnings store,a Priceline store,etcetera,” he says. “This move shows they’re thinking now about a more of a holistic approach and how they’re going to leverage the power of those brands.”

“I think that’s the natural evolution for Catch.”

From Wesfarmers’ perspective,while Catch may have underperformed in recent years,the acquisition has been a slam dunk from a valuation perspective,with the online marketplace estimated by some analysts to be worth as much as $2 billion thanks to COVID’s online shopping boom. Next week,the company will also open its first Catch fulfilment centre in NSW in an effort to meet growing customer demand.

But Wesfarmers can expect to face questions about Catch at its upcoming strategy day in June,with analysts keen to know if the business has dropped the ball,or if it’s just a fumble.

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