Good riddance to stamp duty:now for an optimal switch to a land tax
Good riddance to stamp duty:now for an optimal switch to a land tax

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Good riddance to stamp duty:now for an optimal switch to a land tax

A much-needed overhaul of property taxation is finally afoot.

TheHerald’s state political editor,Alexandra Smith,has revealed the Perrottet government will use next week’s state budget to begin phasing out stamp duty in NSW.

This comes as federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers flags a willingness tocollaborate with the states to tackle housing affordability. When state treasurers meet in Brisbane next month,reform options to boost the economy will be on the agenda.

This renewed momentum for change is positive. But the overhaul of property tax will be complex and the NSW government must now make sure the best possible reform path is adopted.

The demise of stamp duty has been a long time in the making. Criticisms of this outdated levy,introduced in 1865,have been around for decades. All taxes impose an economic cost,but multiple studies have found the effects of stamp duty on property transactions to be especially wasteful and inequitable.


It has been blamed for exacerbating Australia’s housing affordability crisis and discouraging people from moving to accommodation appropriate to their needs. Stamp duty is an important source of revenue but because it is subject to fluctuations in the property market,it can be volatile. This undermines efficient budget planning.

The 2010 Ken Henry-led tax review concluded stamp duty on property transactions is “inconsistent with the needs of a modern tax system”.

There is an encouraging consensus about what should replace stamp duty. The Henry review,the Australian Productivity Commission and the 2020 NSW Review of Federal Financial Relations are among many to conclude a broad-based tax on land is the right substitute.

The political challenge is to make the best possible switch away from stamp duty to a broad-based land tax.


In November 2020 Dominic Perrottet,then state treasurer,took what he called a“first firm step” with a proposal to give home buyers a choice between paying stamp duty up front – which averages about 4 per cent of the purchase value – or a smaller annual property charge instead.

Once a property has switched to the annual charge,it would remain in that system for all subsequent owners. It is anticipated stamp duty on property purchases would be completely phased out by about 2050 under this scheme.

This option aims to minimise political backlash by providing home buyers with a choice.

But during a period of public consultation following the release of the 2020 plan,some legitimate criticisms were raised. There is concern this approach will introduce a two-tier property tax system in NSW lasting many decades where some properties would be subject to annual land tax while others are not. This coulddistort behaviour in the property market and undermine the economic benefits of reform.

The design of this scheme would also mean a significant decline in government revenue over the medium term as buyers swap stamp duty (a large upfront sum) for the much smaller annual charge.


Last November, new state Treasurer Matt Kean said NSW was “going to need” federal financial support during the shift away from stamp duty. Perrottet,now premier,said only last week,“We need the federal government to help the state’s finance reforms to drive productivity to improve social outcomes like housing affordability,healthcare and education.”

TheHerald supports the abolition of stamp duty and welcomes the fresh momentum for property taxation reform in NSW and beyond. Perrottet has shown strong leadership in championing the overhaul of stamp duty. If he succeeds in ridding the state of this antiquated and inefficient tax it will deliver lasting social and economic benefits.

But the NSW government must heed the sensible feedback it received on the 2020 stamp duty reform model. Announcing a big tax reform is one thing,but the real challenge is to implement it well.

Perrottet must now ensure an optimal transition to a new broad-based land tax.

Bevan Shields sends a newsletter to subscribers each week.Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.

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