Yoorrook Justice Commissioners (L-R) Professor Maggie Walter,Dr Wayne Atkinson,Distinguished Yoorook chair Professor Eleanor Bourke,Yoorrook deputy chair Sue-Anne Hunter,and Professor Kevin Bell.

Yoorrook Justice Commissioners (L-R) Professor Maggie Walter,Dr Wayne Atkinson,Distinguished Yoorook chair Professor Eleanor Bourke,Yoorrook deputy chair Sue-Anne Hunter,and Professor Kevin Bell.Credit:Twitter/Yoorrook Justice Commission

The letter is a serious blow to the commission,which has already lost its CEO and a commissioner and is due to submit its interim report to Victorian Governor Linda Dessau on Monday to mark NAIDOC Week.

First Peoples’ Assembly co-chairs Aunty Geraldine Atkinson and Marcus Stewart told Yoorrook commissioners in the letter that the interim report “fails to meet the aspirations of community and misses a crucial opportunity to drive positive reform for First Peoples of Victoria”. The report was “beneath what might be expected”.

The letter was addressed to the chair of the commission,Professor Eleanor Bourke AM,and commissioners Professor Maggie Walter,Sue-Ann Hunter and Kevin Bell AM,QC. The Assembly is a representative body,which helped set up the commission to inquire into the historic and ongoing injustices experienced by First Nations people since colonisation.

The commission has chosen to press on with the report’s release date,despite the letter. When contacted on Wednesday,it provided a brief statement that said its work was “profound,important and complex”.

Yoorrook Justice Commission Chair Eleanor Bourke (in red) chairs a meeting last month.

Yoorrook Justice Commission Chair Eleanor Bourke (in red) chairs a meeting last month.Credit:Joe Armao

“The commission takes its independence seriously but looks forward to continuing to work closely with the state government and First Peoples’ Assembly on this historic journey,” it said.

A spokesperson for the Assembly said it wanted to do all it could “to make sure community’s needs and ideas are heard” and that it often provided the commission with feedback and guidance.


“Truth-telling has a vital role on the journey to treaty. We need to make sure we spend the time to get it right and do it in a way that the community has confidence in.”

Assembly sources not authorised to speak publicly on the matter said the letter was emailed to the commissioners on June 16. It advised the commissioners to delay submitting the report until additional work was completed.

“In our view,the interim report would benefit from further consultation given its critical role in the creation of a new public narrative about First Peoples in Victoria and in informing Victoria’s reform agenda,” the letter said.

“These are not shortcomings that can be addressed through minor drafting amendments. However,with more time and consultation,the interim report could be reshaped to better reflect views and aspirations of First Peoples in Victoria and provide a strong platform for reform through treaties.”

The commission has been dogged by delays and criticism since being set up in May last year. Commissioner Dr Wayne Atkinson resigned from the inquiry a fortnight ago,and in January,its inaugural CEO,Josh Smith,and his head of office,Alexandra Krummel,suddenly left.


The departure of Atkinson,a senior elder and Yorta Yorta-Dja Dja Wurrung traditional owner,was attributed to personal reasons. Atkinson has not commented.

The sources claimed there was a rift between individual commissioners and the inquiry’s operational staff.

The $45.5 million commission has been repeatedly frustrated in its attempts to make a start on the inquiry due to Victoria’s protracted COVID-19 lockdowns.

Concerns in the community about the slow progress were first expressed toThe Age in January,when senior community leaders questioned whether the commissioners were up to the task of delivering on the commission’s letters patent.

The commission finally embarked on a series of around 35 consultations with elders and senior traditional owners across Victoria in late April. The meetings,known as Elders’ Yarns,initially subdued scepticism relating to the progress of the commission.

But sources not authorised to speak to the media claimed that the participation in many of the meetings was insubstantial. The largest of the meetings,conducted in the state’s far northwest,saw 18-25 elders and traditional owners turn up. Most of the yarns involved fewer than five elders,community sources toldThe Age.

Three elders turned up to the final Elders’ Yarn to join two commissioners and about 25 staff members,according to one elder who attended the meeting.

The commission has also been criticised within parts of the community for its appointment in May of Hugh DeKretser, a non-Indigenous man,as its new CEO. He begins the role next week. De Kretser was formally the executive director of the Human Rights Law Centre.


The commission’s former CEO and interim CEOs have all identified as Indigenous. The commission’s letters patent states that it must prioritise the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The commission did not respond to questions about complaints stemming from the Elders’ Yarns or prioritising First Nations people for employment.

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