Kieren Perkins says FINA tailored its hardline stance in response to a single athlete,not a major threat.

Kieren Perkins says FINA tailored its hardline stance in response to a single athlete,not a major threat.Credit:Getty Images

He also questioned the transparency of the FINA process,which cited scientific evidence of ongoing male biological advantage as proof of the need to act decisively. FINA has opted to create an “open” category of athlete to provide an avenue for transgender competitors in sanctioned events.

“FINA has been clear in their dialogue that they are talking about a very small microcosm,which is elite[sport]. What they have missed in acknowledging that is that it is the billboard for sport,the main focus,and I get very,very concerned that domestic competitions will accept that ruling and run with that regardless of the human carnage it creates at their local,domestic level,” he said.


“I read FINA talking about ‘the science’ has been proved. What proof? Everything that I have seen suggests that,actually,we’re not really sure yet. When you talk to medical professionals who are dealing directly in this environment,there isn’t clarity without compromise with the science of it all.“

Australian Olympic swimmer Cate Campbell addressed FINA members before the historic vote.

Australian Olympic swimmer Cate Campbell addressed FINA members before the historic vote.

Perkins said FINA had raced to their ruling off the back of one swimmer,American college athlete Lia Thomas,and great care needed to be taken now the debate had been taken to the next stage by FINA’s landmark ruling.

“The thing that has disappointed me deeply in this dialogue is we sit here having this very vocal and extreme debate about a section of society that is incredibly marginalised,incredibly misunderstood and already suffers from significant incidences of mental health and suicide.

“FINA has made this determination on the basis that it looks like there could be one athlete in the entire globe who might potentially,maybe get there. In the meantime,transgender participation in sport is among the lowest of all demographics that are assessed in sport in Australia.

“Now the first stone has fallen,we can have that conversation back at the national level about how we do approach this. I hope swimming in Australia is able to engage the community at large. At the moment,with what FINA announced,I don’t think they (FINA) have quite got there.”

Nikki Dryden,who swam in the Olympics for Canada and is now a Sydney-based human rights lawyer,questioned whether the FINA ruling would stand up to legal challenges and offered to help Thomas take it to the highest available court.

“As a lawyer,if Lia Thomas is listening,call me. I’d love to take this all the way to the Court of Arbitration for Sport,” Dryden told ABC radio.

Cricket Australia community guidelines are geared towards creating an inclusive environment,with affiliated associations,clubs or indoor centres to permit players to participate in community cricket competitions in accordance with their gender identity.

Rugby Australia has a 12-step procedure for transgender players wishing to play in community level competitions,applicable to players who are not bound by the World Rugby Transgender Policy,(players other than those in the Wallabies,Wallaroos,Super Rugby or Australian Sevens squads).


Football NSW,the governing body for community,amateur and semi-professional football,are set to allow participants to compete with the gender to which they identify.

“Football NSW is committed to providing a safe,fair and inclusive sporting opportunity to participants and ensuring that the rights of all participants are respected,” a statement read.

“Football NSW’s current position is to facilitate participation in football on the basis of the gender with which the person identifies.”

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