Karen Williams leaves Cleveland Magistrates Court on Monday morning after sentencing.

Karen Williams leaves Cleveland Magistrates Court on Monday morning after sentencing.Credit:Toby Crockford

Her blood-alcohol concentration was 0.177 - more than three times the legal limit - when she crashed the vehicle in Cleveland about 8pm on June 23.


The court heard witnesses reported seeing Williams’ car travelling along Queen Street and come to the T-junction with Wellington Street.

The Lexus crossed the four lanes on Wellington Street,crashing through metal fencing and going over a small ditch,before stopping in trees.

Williams was taken to hospital but was not seriously hurt. She made admissions to police at the scene.

Gnech said the mayor had not had a meal since 6pm the night before the crash,and it had been a busy day delivering the council budget.

“In my submission,it is yet another example of a person of otherwise excellent character coming before the courts,and they’re not immune to the stresses of life,and they have gone off poor decision-making.”

Magistrate Deborah Vasta noted the heavy publicity Williams’ case had attracted.


“There is going to be a small number of people out there who are never going to forgive you,and that’s possibly because they equate you with the person who killed or maimed their son,daughter,father or brother,” she said.

“You’ve paid,and continue to pay,very heavily for your mistake that night.”

Vasta ordered Williams to “give back to her community” by completing 80 hours of community service. She was also disqualified from driving for six months. A conviction was not recorded.

“Community service is more than what your average drink driver would get;usually it is just a fine,” Vasta said.

Outside court,Williams said she would continue as mayor. She has been on unpaid personal leave since being charged.

“My actions were unacceptable,and I would actually like to acknowledge that I’ve upset,disappointed and angered people who put their trust in me,and for that,I unreservedly apologise again.

“I know that I will have to work very hard to regain the trust of my community,and I’m absolutely committed to doing that. I will never put my family,friends,community and council colleagues in this position again.”

As Williams delivered her statement,angry community members yelled:

“You’re a disgrace,the community doesn’t want you.”

“You put everybody at risk getting behind the wheel.”

Williams was elected as a councillor in 2004,before becoming mayor in 2012.

Local Government Minister Steven Miles,who had called on Williams to stand aside ahead of her court appearance,said he had no power to require anything further of her.

“What happens from here is up to her,” Miles said on Monday afternoon.

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