Perth man survives shooting himself in head during game of Russian roulette
Perth man survives shooting himself in head during game of Russian roulette

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This was published1year ago

Perth man survives shooting himself in head during game of Russian roulette

ByHeather McNeill

A Perth man has narrowly escaped death after shooting himself in the head during a game of Russian roulette.

The incident occurred at a house in Westminster on September 18 where a group of ‘reckless young fellas’,reportedly with bikie links,were gathered.

WA Police deputy commissioner Allan Adams said it was fortunate the man,31,was not fatally wounded.

“One of[the group] produced a Smith and Wesson revolver,placed a round in,rotated the barrel ... placed it to his head and pulled the trigger,” he told Radio 6PR.

“Unfortunately,the round aligned with the hammer of the revolver and he suffered serious,catastrophic head injuries.


“He hasn’t passed away but I’m sure he is going to be living with the consequences of that action forever.”

Adams said police were confident the wound was self-inflicted,with no charges pending against anyone else in the house at the time.

The firearm itself,however,was allegedly unlicensed.

“Obviously,we’ll wait and see what[the injured man’s] level of recovery is to determine whether any charges are laid against him,” Adams said.

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