Lachlan Murdoch,Private Media chairman Eric Beecher and the US Capitol building on January 6,2021.

Lachlan Murdoch,Private Media chairman Eric Beecher and the US Capitol building on January 6,2021.Credit:Jessica Hromas,Thom Rigney,AP

“We want the expert to address that issue,and the effect of promoting particular posts and how that then causes those posts to appear in different people’s feeds,even if they haven’t gone to the post themselves,” she said.

Chrysanthou said expert evidence on the reach of the posts was relevant to the potential damages award as well as to the new serious harm test that is now law in most jurisdictions in Australia,including NSW where the trial will be held.

Murdoch,chief executive of Fox Corporation and elder son of media baron Rupert,filed defamation proceedings in August againstCrikey over a June 29 article naming his family as “unindicted co-conspirators” of former US president Donald Trump following the deadly US Capitol riots in 2021.


Murdoch claims the article conveys up to 14 false and defamatory meanings including that he “illegally conspired with Donald Trump to incite an armed mob to march on the Capitol” following the 2020 presidential election.

Crikey denies any of the alleged meanings were conveyed. The publisher also disputes that the article satisfied the serious harm test,aimed at weeding out trivial claims,which requires the person bringing a defamation case to show that the publication “has caused,or is likely to cause,serious harm” to their reputation.

If Justice Michael Wigney finds at least some of the meanings were conveyed and the serious harm test is satisfied,Crikey is seeking to rely in part on a new public interest defence thatstarted last year in NSW.


The court heard the author of the article,Bernard Keane,andCrikey editor-in-chief Peter Fray would give evidence in the case. Fray is currently on indefinite leave over unrelated matters.

Under the public interest defence,Crikey’s publisher Private Media – chaired by Eric Beecher – must prove the “defamatory matter” concerned an issue of public interest and it “reasonably believed ... the publication of the matter was in the public interest”.

Beecher and Private Media chief executive Will Hayward are not expected to give evidence. Chrysanthou said this raised issues about how the court would assess whether Private Media had the reasonable belief required under the public interest defence.

The court heard the Murdoch camp was seeking to put some 180 interrogatories – written questions – to Private Media,Keane and Fray before the trial. Chrysanthou said those questions were relevant to the parties’ state of mind.

“Do you want this to go to trial in March?” Wigney asked,in a nod to the likelihood the interrogatories would delay the timetable. “I would withdraw your application for interrogatories.”

The parties return to court on Thursday as legal argument continues. Chrysanthou told the court it would be preferable for a pre-trial mediation – a standard step aimed at settling a case pre-trial – to be held this year.

The article at the centre of the case,published on June 29,was removed fromCrikey’s website on June 30 after Murdoch’s solicitor wrote to the news outlet. It was republished on August 15.

Chrysanthou alleged on Wednesday thatCrikey reposted the article in a bid to “turn the dispute into a massive subscription drive”.

She said documents handed over by the publisher during pre-trial processes showed it engaged a marketing company,Populares,“on or before 1 August,and ... a significant report was prepared about how the dispute with my client could be marketed for the purposes of attracting new readers and gaining subscriptions”.

“The purpose of the reposting was not for the public interest;it was for the media campaign,” she alleged.

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